Monday, February 25, 2008

Enjoying the 80 degree day/Volleyball Player

Yesterday it was 80 degrees outside, so Mali and I had a blast just playing in the sunshine. She played out on her swings and in the backyard all day. After 'nap', we took Asa on a walk around the park and stopped to play. Mali still was not ready to stop playing, so after dinner we went outside and played basketball and volleyball. Mali was doing awesome at bumping (okay, awesome for a 3 year old whose mom hopes she becomes a volleyball player). Plus I hope for her to be an outside hitter or blocker, unlike me who was a back row specialist, so maybe she won't even have to pass! I begged Eric (he had worked outside all day on our weed citation problem and our vehicles) to come video and of course Mali didn't bump nearly as good, but here is a video of it anyway. We have really been enjoying the nice weather. Mali does usually play outside in a dress and dress shoes, but maybe she is going to be a tough princess!:)
And for my friends in cooler climates, it might have been 80 yesterday but it is now back into the mid 50s today! Crazy Panhandle weather.

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