Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pig Tails, Politicians and Power of Suggestion

I just had to share the most amazing thing that happened yesterday...Mali let me fix her hair! She had seen a little puppet girl on her Spanish Sesame Street DVD that had pig tails and wanted them, just like that "little girl" as well as Bretan and Avery (her second cousin and the head basketball coach's daughter). So it has been wonderful and a success so far and has made my month. On top of that she looks so cute!!

We also know who Mali would vote for if she could in fact vote. Barack Obama is her choice. Every time she hears his commercial come on t.v., she yells "mom stop, don't change it" or something to that effect and sits mesmerized throughout the commercial. Then out of no where the other day, the commercial came on, and she casually announced "Mom, its Barack Obama" Now, granted, Hillary Clinton is the only other commercial from a politician she's seen, but it makes me wonder.

So this has led us to understand how much the power of suggestion is influencing Mali right now. Some of it is normal but Eric pointed out that she may be a lot like him, heavily influenced by advertisement and the popular things to do. I'm glad that we are aware of this area in her personality and hope that God will give me the wisdom to parent her with this in mind.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Enjoying the 80 degree day/Volleyball Player

Yesterday it was 80 degrees outside, so Mali and I had a blast just playing in the sunshine. She played out on her swings and in the backyard all day. After 'nap', we took Asa on a walk around the park and stopped to play. Mali still was not ready to stop playing, so after dinner we went outside and played basketball and volleyball. Mali was doing awesome at bumping (okay, awesome for a 3 year old whose mom hopes she becomes a volleyball player). Plus I hope for her to be an outside hitter or blocker, unlike me who was a back row specialist, so maybe she won't even have to pass! I begged Eric (he had worked outside all day on our weed citation problem and our vehicles) to come video and of course Mali didn't bump nearly as good, but here is a video of it anyway. We have really been enjoying the nice weather. Mali does usually play outside in a dress and dress shoes, but maybe she is going to be a tough princess!:)
And for my friends in cooler climates, it might have been 80 yesterday but it is now back into the mid 50s today! Crazy Panhandle weather.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Results from 2/20/2008

This blood draw was a really significant one as it was my 6 month draw. After 6 months of negative hCG levels, the chance of the molar coming back is even less. I was pretty nervous about this one, but not sure why...when will I learn to trust God with this??? My nurse just called and my levels were negative!!!!! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!!! This is just huge for me and I feel as if I've been completely healed at this point. The majority of women that have molar pregnancies and do not receive chemo are allowed to get pregnant at this point. (Not my doctors though). But, it is still good to know I'm okay even if I'm not cleared to get pregnant!! Thanks for the continued prayers and support!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mali's take on being a big girl

Mali and I were talking about what a big girl she was last night while we looked at pictures of her as a baby. She said "its good I'm a big girl because when I was a baby I couldn't talk or paint my fingernails." That tells you what she values...talking and finger nail polish!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mali update and latest video

I haven't posted about Mali and her recent accomplishments lately, and since she really is the most interesting member of our family, I thought it was time for an update.
I've had to really think about this post though, because the 3's have been pretty difficult and I didn't want to be negative the entire update. But, Mali is a challenge, at the same time she is so amazing and wonderful and we love her so much. Today her ballet teacher had another talk with me about how it seemed that Mali was always "testing" her and trying to see what she could get away with, and not necessarily doing ballet. I told her "that sounds like Mali", and that pretty much sums up life with Mali. She constantly tests us and we really have to stay on her. So many times I want to just pretend or ignore what she did, because it takes a lot of time and energy to stay on her, but I know that if we do stay on her then in the end her behavior is better. Eric and I are very much on united front right now with working on her obeying and respecting authority, this has been the most challenging for Mali right now. Mali has also expressed her artistic side...on her carpet, her door, the laundry room door, her body (although I'm told those are tattoos) and pretty much anything else she can get her hands on while my back is turned, and she has used finger nail polish to do this. I'm not sure how she gets it but we have had several episodes of her taking finger nail polish to her room with her (note: Grandparents no more finger nail polish please). Last week after BSF, she showed me the "coconut tree" (from the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom) she had painted on her door and said it was for her BSF teacher. She was so proud of it, but she still got in trouble. When Mali gets in trouble and is sent to her room, she will destroy it, or go potty on the floor. This makes Eric furious! And for about a week now, she has had every toy of value taken away from her, but she doesn't seem to care and will say "Momma, you can take my dress up clothes away." When Eric and I go to bed at night, we can laugh about all of this, but it can get overwhelming in the midst of it!
On a positive side, Mali is back into reading. We go to the library about once a week for library time and check out books. Mali loves checking out different books and having us read to her the rest of the week. I have really enjoyed this and have always thought, if I could just read all day to her I would be the best mom. I have uploaded a video of Mali actually reading (or rather reciting) her latest book. The one problem is that she thinks the books are hers and can't understand that the library has let us borrow them. Mali continues to go to ballet and BSF (bible study fellowship). Her favorite thing right now is listening and singing kids songs, and her favorite song is "The Wise Man Built His house upon the rock" and will belt it out in Wal-Mart. I've tried talking with her about Jesus being the rock, but I'm not sure she completely gets it right now. Mali also loves being a princess and dressing up. She came across a summer nightgown and wears it constantly now (since her dress up clothes were taken away, she became creative). When its nap time, she takes off her clothes and puts on her nightgown. It has been pretty cold, so this isn't practical, but she is forever a princess in her mind, and can not be without her uniform. Mali still loves to sing and dance. She usually will go stand right in front of the t.v. and dance around and sing in front of it so that all the attention is on her. Mali really does have a sweet heart and can be so loving. She loves to cuddle. Mali also loves her dogs. Asa is finally less skiddish and play with Mali more. Mali likes to taunt them with food and tackle them.:)
Some days I just look at her feet or hands and am amazed at how grown up she already is. She is a big girl! She likes to be a helper, and especially likes to help in the kitchen. I've tried to be very patient with her in the kitchen and have found myself baking with her much more than I have baked in my entire life. We have had fun though. Mali has also enjoyed being a helper with her Daddy at school or the basketball games. She was able to be the hand stamper at his last basketball tournament and did a great job.
I'm sure as soon as this posts, I'll think of more, but life is wonderful with Mali, although challenging at times. We love our little girl so much and are blessed by her presence, although exhausted most of the time.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day 2008

So I haven't been on top of things this Valentine's Day. Yes, we are dressed for the occasion (pink shirt/red socks for me) and Valentine's outfit for Mali. But this morning when we arrived at Bible Study, I heard other mom's talking about waking up early to make heart shape pancakes for their children and spouse. So I'm already planning on making next year better and in the mean time revisiting the heart attitude of self-less-ness, because I've decided that really that is what it comes down to, I'm out of self less mode now that Mali is 3 and don't think of the other people in my family as much! So next will be a great Valentine's Day! Eric did do good though and brought a rose each for Mali and I.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I am always amazed at how God opens doors when they are supposed to be opened. Since we moved to Amarillo, I've been trying to pursue a "job" or rather a few clients to help us out financially. It has seemed like the right time with Mali getting older and needing me (or wanting me) less, and with Eric being home more at 3:30 every afternoon. It just seemed to be the right time for me to see a few clients while Eric could be home with Mali at 3:30. I've also noticed that Amarillo does not seem to have many counselors specializing in children or adolescents and felt that there was a need. Since my heart is for this population, I did want to provide that resource, but minimally. So...I've prayed about job opportunities and pretty much have waited for God to open some doors. A few weeks ago I sent out an email to local children's ministers and ended up being contacted by New Hope Christian Counseling and Resources. This agency mainly provides resources for those in the church and points them towards Christian counseling. So, I went in for an interview to get on their resource list and was offered a job! It was such a God thing! And, is perfect for what I need. They offered me an office in their agency. The director said that they are really in need of someone to work with kids and teens and it seemed like a perfect fit. I don't have to see many clients, and get to pick and choose how many I want to see. Right now I'm set up for 4 clients with mine and Eric's schedule. I also don't pay for the office except per client (the agency gets 30% of what I bring in). I don't do any of the billing or scheduling either! It has worked so perfectly. I even get my own business cards and I just picked up the key! I'm amazed out how God laid this out to happen! I do have to admit that I'm a little nervous too and want to be a good counselor and effective and not disappoint the agency. At the same time, I'm sad to leave Mali and have a cried a little over this, but then reminded myself that it will be 4 hours a week!!!
I just wanted to share this amazing opportunity with you guys and to let you know the news in our lives right now!
Here is the website for the agency:

Very particular reader

The other night Eric did our bedtime routine. One of Mali's books she loves to hear at night is "Good night Moon", but she is very particular about how it is read. So, I set Eric up and took this video. We were both laughing pretty hard!