Monday, December 27, 2010

Celebration of Life

A service to celebrate Brie's life and service to her Lord will be held Wednesday, December 29, 2:00 p.m.  It will be held at Hillside Church, 6100 Soncy Rd, Amarillo, TX.  Please dress casually and come to worship and celebrate the Life and Love of Brie's life.


  1. Your family is in our prayers. Just know that everyone is thinking of you and your girls. Prayers over your sweet baby boy as well.

  2. I am praying for your family. Brie and I became very good friends and I loved talking to her. If I can do anything for you all, please do not hesitate to let me know.

  3. Eric, The Bracey family is praying for you and your sweet family. You are never alone. God bless you. The Bracey's, Kevin, Patty, Casey, Cole and Cade

  4. I don't know your family but I wanted to let you know that there are prayers coming to you from my family! May God stay with you and your children through this difficult time!

    The Fox Family

  5. Sending prayers for you and your family. May God wrap you in His arms and give you peace.

    The Longfellow family

  6. My family is lifting up all of you in prayer during this very sad and difficult time. I knew Brie in high school and I always admired her for her strong faith and the love she had for her family and friends. I pray that God comforts the families and wraps his loving arms around Eric, their daughters, and their precious newborn son. - Tara Rust (Ballew) and family.

  7. I am praying for your family... I dont know you but this tragedy is weighing heavy on my heart. May God bless these children and family.

    The Borings

  8. I don't know your family but my heart is hurting for your loss. Your family is in my prayers. May God lift you up and give you the strength to make it through this tragedy, and may he help strenghthen that precious baby. God Bless

  9. My husband and I are praying for you and your children. My His great love and peace surround your family.

  10. My husband and I do not know your family either but we feel your pain so deeply. We lost an 18 year old son in a tragic car accident and can understand the deep pain your hearts are in. May our dear Heavenly Father comfort you all and may this scripture help you as it did us: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation,that we may be able to comfort those in any sort of tribulation through the comfort with which we ourselves are being comforted by God."-2 Cor. 1:3,4

  11. I don't know your family, but we have a mutual friend in common. My husband and I are praying for your family. May God lift each of you up, giving you the strength and peace that only he can.

    The Davis family

  12. This horrible tragedy is weighing heavily on my heart. My family is praying for your family. Lean on God and He will carry you.

    The Sangster Family

  13. Dear Eric,

    I pray with my whole being in spirit and in the flesh. I lift you, your lovely daughters and baby boy up before our Father through His son Jesus Christ. Trust that your family is being covered in prayer daily. May His arms sustain you and give your family peace that surpasses all understandning.

    The Sawyer Family.

  14. My heart is broken for you all. Brie is the reason why I can trust today in the knowledge that God’s plan is perfect even when we don’t understand. She introduced me to the LOVE of Jesus and the truth of His perfect plan. Her guidance into that relationship is the single best thing that has happened in my life. He, through Brie, changed everything for me and I know I am certainly not the only one she touched SO very deeply. I keep a note in my bible that Brie sent to me shortly after we met. In it, she begins by offering her sweet hand in friendship and then goes on to say, “I wanted to share this card with you, too. This peak is the mountain my dad and I climbed together! (and also my step-mom took this picture) It’s special to me.” She also shared this verse, “Jesus says in John 10:10 “… I came that [Kristi} may have life, and have it abundantly”. Thanks to Brie, I am living an abundant life through Jesus Christ and work hard each day to extend my hand in friendship to someone who needs to know Him!

    My deepest heartfelt sympathy to each of you and I will borrow Brie’s signature from the card I so treasure because she taught me the importance of these perfect words…

    “I’m praying for you – always. Love, Brie”

    In Him,
    Kristi Barker

    P.S. -- Eric & family,
    I would really like to have Brie's blog printed and bound into a book for you; however, I wonder if you already have one or if someone is already taking care of this for you. If you want me to go forward with printing the blog, please let me know ( and I would be honored. **

  15. What a beautiful family and a truly special woman whose light will doubtless shine forever and until you meet again.

  16. What a beautiful family and a truly special woman whose light will doubtless shine forever and until you meet again.

  17. We knew Brianna from Ouray. Her grandparents used to keep our sons Justin & Caleb Milne when they were young. We are very sorry to hear about Brianna. All of her family is in our prayers. May you truly feel that "peace that passes all understanding" during this most difficult time.
    Kelly & Elizabeth Clackler

  18. I don't know your family, but I will definitely be praying for your peace and comfort during this time. May you press into our LORD closely! May He hold you tightly! Praise God that the believer has hope beyond this life! (hugs)

  19. My heart goes out to you and your sweet children during this difficult time. I do not know yall personally. Just know that your family is being lifted up in prayer. Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
    The Hoffman Family

  20. Brie worked for me while obtaining her bachelor's degree from Tech. She was a breath of sunshine and always had a smile on her face! May each of you have the hope and faith of the good lord at your side.... We at TTUHSC Medical Records have you in our prayers and send blessings and love to Brie's family. God Bless!

    Jean Soles
