Wednesday, December 8, 2010

28 weeks...7 months

I'm on the verge of a panic see I just realized that 28 weeks divided by 4 weeks equals 7 months!!!  I had no idea I was already at 7 months.  This last month has gone really really well.  I've felt pretty good and have not been exhausted.  I've only napped if Eleri has kept me up and have had lots of energy to get things around the house accomplished.  And apparently it has gone so well this month that I've gained 7 lbs!  7lbs!!!  7 is NOT my number today.  The nurse informed me that she is glad I gained that and that I really needed it.  Even though I just gained that much weight, I don't feel like my baby belly is as big as it was with Eleri at 7 months (You can compare if you'd like).  I think it might be the walking back and forth to school with Mali, which I've actually enjoyed!  My OB appointment went really well.  Everything looked great.  I measured on target and baby's heart beat was great.  Eleri was so good during the appointment and lifted up her shirt and put my phone on her belly while the doppler was on mine.  Her eyes lit up at baby boy's heartbeat and she looked around the room. Dr. Carrasco scheduled my next appointment a month out instead of the two weeks out because of Christmas and we will have another ultrasound that day (January 5th). I have started to have lots of Braxton Hicks but my OB just said the more pregnancies you have the more you have because your muscles are so weak.  Last Thursday night I did wake up at about 1am with some pain and realized I was having real contractions.  It only lasted about 30 minutes and then I fell asleep as I prayed that God would help me know if I should go to Labor and Delivery or not, so apparently the answer was not since I fell asleep!:)  I haven't had any more since then.  I have felt that baby boy has moved positions and is really low now.  I wonder if he is breech too like Eleri was at this point.  I sort of miss the little pokes in my side as opposed to kicks down much lower! We will schedule baby boy's arrival at my next appointment! I really can't believe we have 2 very short months until Baby Boy's arrival.  And if you haven't guessed, he still doesn't not have a name, a room, or know all those essentials moms feel like they need before they have their babies.  But at the same time, I'm not really stressed about.  I'm not sure I have the time to do any of that and I'm not in a hurry to kick Eleri out of her room.  I did just realize that Eleri may not need time to transition but Mali may need time to get used to the idea that her room is to be shared with Eleri.  Yesterday, Mali helped me move all of "her" letters, and pictures, etc. to her side of the room on the wall.  I think that's a start!  Eric and I did decided on baby bedding, but I think he just gave in!;)  We have yet to order it, but I'm not really worried.  I think we should have at least 3 months after baby is here until he needs his crib.  Although I'm not worried and I'm not ready to have all these preparations done, I feel this sense of panic that he has to be done but I can't do it, I don't have time to do it, or we just need to get through another celebration (i.e. Christmas, Florida trip, Eleri birthday).  

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