Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Little Eleri

I really loves this age that Eleri is.  She can start doing more big girl things, like sitting on the couch and eating popcorn with us. Eleri LOVES popcorn! She will sign "popcorn" and say something that sounds like "pop pop".  She gets sooo excited about it.  Another cute thing that Eleri does is when you say "blow kisses", she actually blows out her nose.  I haven't corrected her because I just think it is too cute and makes her Eleri.  Eleri loves to smile and pose for pictures with her big smile.  She also loves to laugh.  If she hears someone laughing, she lets out a big cackle too.  Today we went to eat donuts and some old men started laughing, and Eleri got a big grin on her face and laughed along with them.  Eleri also has a temper.  She has started to just hit Mali when Mali makes her mad.  And Mali is not the only one.  Eleri will hit any one and everything in her way when she is mad.  She also has fits like none we have ever seen. You'd never know with that cute little smile though!  Eleri still has four teeth on bottom and top but is working on getting two bottom molars in.  I'm attributing her fussyness/fit throwing to those big ole teeth trying to come through.  Eleri can say several words, like popcorn, mama, daddy, papa, mimi, Granpa, Nana, Chris, doggie, bird, duck, milk, drink,bye bye, uh oh, bubble, ball, football, eat eat, go, poo poo, baby, bee, and probably a few others I haven't remembered.  Her favorite word by far, is uh uh.  As in, do you want to take a nap, "uh uh". Do you want to eat this, "uh uh".  We need to work on "yes". Eleri loves to be outside.  She also loves to just play and figure things out.  She is very good at playing by herself, as sad as that sometimes makes me.  But she still loves to sit in my lap when I'm still enough and she's still enough.  Eleri loves to look at books and have them read to her.  I really love this age and all the learning and exploring she is doing.  But at times this is such a trying age too.  The other night I went to bed almost dreading the next day and all the messes I would be cleaning up.  Eleri can be a mess.  She wants to be so independent, like drinking water from a cup without a lid and will throw a fit to do this, but then water ends ups every where.  This pretty much happens with everything (like the bottle of bubbles in the first picture that ended up empty in a matter of minutes).

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