Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July

We had a fantastic Fourth of July this year.  We went up the cabin as always and just enjoyed breathing in the mountain air.  When we got there, Mali showed her daddy and Grandpa the fort we had built and the girls just played outside.  We ate dinner on the patio of the Dog Bar that night and just took in the fourth of July atmosphere.  Saturday the girls and I took a little walk and then Brandon, Eric and Mali all headed into town to get fishing licensees.  Before lunch, we packed lunches and went up to a lake to fish.  Brandon caught the first fish.  By that time Eleri was ready for her nap so I took her home and then came back to bring the guys some fishing supplies they had forgotten.  While I was gone, Mali had “gotten stung by a bee” and Eric had taken her back to the cabin.  After tracking her down, I found out it wasn’t a bee but maybe stinging nettle or some other bug.  At any rate, with no fish caught, Mali was done too.  We went back to the cabin and rested in the hammock.  Then Mali decided she wanted to show Daddy and Grandpa the skeleton bones we had found the last time we were up there.  Grandpa was busy with helping Brandon cut down a tree, so we took the four wheeler just as a family.  Just as we were pulling up to the spot, there was a large brown bear right in front of us.  I couldn’t get my camera out fast enough and missed snapping a good picture of him. We are pretty sure that is why the skeleton was there.  Brandon actually saw the same bear in about the same place last weekend. That night we got to enjoy family time with Chris, Megan, Liza, Brandon, Grandpa and Nana.  Chris cooked a good meal and Uncle Rodney and Aunt Alice came over too.  It was  a lot of fun and enjoyment.  I really enjoy when my family gets together like this.  It doesn’t feel like it happens for often and so I really treasure when it does happen.  That night, Eric managed to drag me out to the Dog Bar for about an hour and a half.  My tired eyes wouldn’t stay open and so I called it a night early.  Sunday we enjoyed blueberry pancakes made by Grandpa and rushed to get ready for the parade that at the last minute we realized was about 3 hours later than what we had thought. So, our little family drove down to the town to make sure of the time, then up to Bear and Blue Lake hoping that the very fussy Eleri would get a nap.  After her nap in the car and some relaxing time at the cabin, it was finally time for the parade.  Mali lived for this day.  She staked out her spot and camped there.  She wouldn’t move for anything and she wouldn’t smile for my pictures…I guess she had her game face on.  The parade was fun and hot.  We missed seeing the guys in it this year but I think that they enjoyed the year off, although we heard several comments about people that had seen them in the parade the previous years and were looking forward to seeing them again. After the parade, Chris cooked a big bbq meal and we watched the girls play with Uncle Rodney and Aunt Alice’s beagles (Katy’s too).  Then it was time to head home.  We gave Brandon a ride home to Dalhart so that Liza could take their car to Denver to see her mom who flew in from Nepal.  She hadn’t seen her in two years, I’m so excited for her and the time they will get together.  On the way home, we got to watch a huge rotating cloud and encountered some serious hail in front of us that looked like snow.  We stopped in Dalhart for Mali to pop firecrackers with Mimi and Papa and then finally headed back home (late).  We got caught in another huge, very scary storm. It was hailing really bad and cars were pulled over on the side of the road every where.  We were pretty worried that it was tornadic.  About that time we realized we had forgot to get gas in Dalhart! And we were on empty!!!  Thankfully, we stopped at a pay at the pump and filled up and as we made our way into Amarillo we were able to watch several fireworks shows.

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