Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

After Brandon's wedding, we decided to take the girls to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo since we were so close to Colorado Springs and it was Eric's last official week of summer. We hoped that Eleri would nap in the car but just as it goes anytime you plan soemthing fun for your kids, she didn't nap. We ate lunch at Qdobas (our favorite burrito place thanks to Laura!) and then arrived at the zoo right at nap time. Perfect timing! It was also very very hot. Eric rented a wagon and bought the girls cute, pink safari hats while I waited for my mom and Zina who were joining us. The giraffes were too hot to want to eat their crackers, so Eleri ate them for them. Then we were on to the rest of the animals. Our highlight was probably watching the grizzly bear play in the water, the girls riding the ponies and petting the snake. Eleri also loved the turtle. We were sprinkled on at one point, which felt so nice and then ran into the Ape area right before a huge downpour hit. We waited out the rain for the most part and looked at the primates. One of the primates was playing at the glass with Eleri. We left the zoo and said good-byes and Eleri was out fast! Eric made a stop at Dillards in Colorado Springs while Eleri and I slept in the car. We stayed in a hotel that night and then the next morning drove into Castle Rock for Eric to do some back to school shopping since he will be in the classroom this year and was "in need" of new clothes. After our shopping excursion that was pretty successfully, we headed all hte way home. We were stopped in standstill traffic in Pueblo for about 30 minutes which caused us to not quite make it all the way back home so we stayed with Mimi and Papa that night and let them spoil the girls a little.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like alot of fun!! The girls are getting so big!!
