Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lubbock or Leave it

We also got to visit our friends the Dallas Family. Mali had a great time going to the movie with them while I took Eleri to the appointment, playing and playing, playing the Wii, swimming, jumping on the trampoline, and eating pizza at Dions. Tim and Beth made hamburgers for us all and had the Williams family over and Angie, Jackson and Lauren over. I was so excited to meet Lauren for the first time, although I didn't get any pictures!:( She is a cute, little girl. We all swam together and enjoyed just hanging out. The girls and I stayed the night and headed back early to get home.
As much as I love my friends that live in Lubbock, every time I go back to Lubbock I'm pretty thankful we don't live there anymore. Our home and neighborhood here is so much nicer and as crazy as it sounds, Amarillo is just a little prettier. I drove by our old house trying to kill some time and it made me very glad to be where we are now. Every time we go back to Lubbock I'm so amazed at what new things are being built. It really is growing.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful feeling when you realize how thankful for the changes in your life when once you were hesitant and missed what you had. I'm so glad you're so happy where you are now!
