This Father's day did not turn out nearly as good as I anticipated it as I thought of all the things we could do to love on Eric. We had been out of town the past two weekends and will be out of town the next two weekends so we decided to just stay here. Eric played golf with friends on Friday and then again with his dad on Saturday. Sunday, Mali and I made Eric eggs over easy for breakfast but in all honesty I don't think they were very good. Eric politely said "they were a little runny"! He was thankful and appreciative but they just didn't turn out right. After his breakfast and church, I went and picked up Rosa's for his Father's Day lunch. It was a really hot afternoon and the girls napped and Eric watched the US open on TV. Eric requested cereal for dinner which was a pretty easy fix so we ate cereal and then finished the night with the Under the Sea IMAX movie. The first picture is the girls with their daddy on Father's day and the bottom picture is of Mali waiting up for her daddy. She drew him a picture and put on her most beautiful dress up clothes dress. It was sooo sweet. I also asked Mali to tell me what she loves about her daddy. Here is her list:
He takes care of me
He tells me silly things to do you (to me, Brie)
I like watching him play with Eleri
He teaches me how to play baseball and soccer-he used to
He lets me listen to iPods with him
He lets me go on trips with him and takes me to the theatre sometimes
He comes in my room and sees what i did
He helps me do stuff I can't do (I LOVED that one!)
Sometimes he gets to talk with me about the bad things I do
Having slumber parties
He takes me camping, fishing, to the house together, to the cabin together, swimming with me, jump and jive, and the zoo sometimes
He eats snacks with me
When we play with Eleri on his stomach
Training Aspen, Shank and Scotty with him
He's my favorite guy
When we talk together
She had quite the list. Its easy to see that he is the King of her World.