Saturday, July 19, 2008

One Year Anniversary

This last week marked one year that we have been residents of Amarillo, Texas...and I have yet to change my driver's license. There have been bumps in the road that we may not have experienced living in Lubbock, but I believe we've had some good things and blessings coming out of moving here as well. It reminds me that God's plan is always best for me and that He knows what bumps we can handle and where. We've really come a long way in this past year and have really planted roots here in our home (flower beds, pergola, new windows, wood floors, etc.) I have some new friends, but mine and Mali's friends from Lubbock just can not be replaced and still remain our closest friends.:) I am thankful for the new friends and relationships God has given me. Mali still talks about her best friends, Zachy and Calyn, as if she sees them every day still, and maybe absence makes all of their hearts grow fonder. We had found a church that we were attending for the most part of this whole year, my biggest concern with moving, but in the past two weeks have made a change and are now attending a new church. Eric is excited about this change and I look forward to what God will teach us through the change. The top reason we are very thankful to live in Amarillo tends to be that once we leave Dalhart, we only have an hour to drive! That is generally what we talk about the most. We look forward what year #2 in Amarillo will bring with Eric as the head freshman football coach and a new baby on the way. Lots of change is guaranteed.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Move Date Anniversary! It doesn't seem like it's been that long! I'm glad that you're able to find some positive aspects of the move. Also keep in mind the better doctor's care you had last year when you needed it for the ectopic pregnancy and Eric's coaching jobs. :o) Good luck with your new church! I hope it's the one you've been searching for!
