Monday, July 21, 2008

3rd Sonogram

This afternoon, we had our 3rd sonogram for this baby! AND...the baby was very healthy and normally developing. The entire time the baby was moving and kicking. I'm still praying for a calm baby, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen, but I'll take healthy over everything! Eric said that we just must have active babies. Eric did ask the doctor if the baby was showing us anything...and there seemed to be a possibility of something there, but the baby is still only 11 weeks, so we will just have to wait to find out a for sure until normal women find out what they are having (probably about 2 more months). We found out at about 12 weeks that Mali was a girl! Also, my appointment was at 2 and we were in the car leaving by 2:19pm!!! I was shocked, so Eric and I stopped to have a Cherry Lime date at Hud's before relieving our babysitter.
In pregnancy news, I'm still really sick, but I have only lost 1lb so the doctor isn't too concerned yet. He have me Prevacid to try to help. We're hoping that's the magic pill for me. I'm also really tired, but that is just pregnancy and having a 3 year old active daughter. I have also really popped out! I think that I'm about 1 month bigger at this point than what I was with Mali. I looked back at the pictures to compare and by the picture I look 5 months pregnant, not 4! I have also felt some fluttering around! That was when it all became worth it with Mali!
So, there is no hiding the fact that I'm pregnant now, and no point as I am at 11 weeks now, 1 week away from entering the safe zone!
The belly at 11 weeks:

The baby at 11 weeks:

baby's head is on the left and spine towards the bottom


  1. Wow! That is amazing how much you're showing already! You didn't even look pregnant a little over a month ago. I'm so glad that things went well with the songram! And how fun that you can already feel fluttering! I'm so happy for you guys!

  2. What a beautiful picture! It excites me for you guys. They thought they saw something at 8 weeks, and we knew for sure at 14.I think active babies make moms more peaceful because you know they are okay.

  3. We are so excited for you guys! I popped out much earlier the second time too . . . but didn't gain as much weight.

  4. that picture of you and mali is just adorable!!!
