Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Miss Mali

I haven't updated personally about Mali in a little while, and actually have some time and am feeling well enough to blog. Mali is doing really great. She has gotten really tall and her feet have grown too. I had to pack up almost all of her shoes after she got blisters on her little heels from too small of shoes. Mali loves being active, dancing ballet around the house and making up songs. Most of the time, she is really happy. Lately though, we've revisited whining and are really working on curbing that right now. That is pretty much what makes up our day, teaching Mali that whining is not okay and enforcing that. We are also working on curbing lying. I just can not believe it has started this early, and it is so silly, but I guess that is easier to work with than serious lies. Today, for example, she showed me her owey on her thumb. I kissed it and she said "Snowflake (her doll) bit my fingernail off and did that." It is hard not to laugh sometimes, but we are teaching her that the truth is always better than the lies. Another major area we are working on is teaching her to clean her room, a must for her to learn, because I already spend an incredible amount of time and energy on this task with her daily and will not be able to do this once a new baby is around. I bought shelving/cubbies and baskets for her to put all of her toys in. I'm in the process of printing photos of the contents of each basket and sticking that to the outside, so that it is as easy as possible for her to clean up herself. So far, it is no miracle worker, but stick-to-it-tiveness (on mine and Eric's part) and perserverance (thank you Jesus for offering this to me through your power and strength) should get us there.
On the fun side, Mali and I have spent the summer going to the free family movie. Her favorite so far has been the Water Horse. She did cry during much of the movie. I tried to get her to calm down, it was really just her tender heart coming through (a dog was chasing the water horse and it was a funny scene to the rest of theatre). I asked her why she was crying, her response "My body told me I needed to cry." Eric is a little worried about her "girlyness":). We've also spent time at story time at Brush with Art painting and listening to Mrs. Lillie read. We've only made it to the pool a few times mainly because of my work and pregnancy interfering some what, but she has had a blast when we go and has even gone underwater and I've helped her float on her back. Mali and I've been to the park a few times, but she mainly likes to just swing so we try to stick around the backyard for that. However, Mali has begun to slide down the slides all by herself. We spent this morning swinging outside and then Mali painted with sidewalk paint and got naked and played in the muddy mess her sandbox had been. They were fun childhood moments, that won't last long. A few weeks ago, Mali had a visit from her best friends, Zachey and Calyn, she really had a great time with them, and still a year later, talks about them as if she sees them every day. Mali has also gotten a lot of "daddy time" while I've been working. He's taken us to the movies (Wall-E has to be her favorite right now) and to the golf course. Mali loves to dress herself. It is usually in dress up clothes or fancy dresses. I really feel okay with letting her be a kid and express her individually within reason. I'm not sure her dad is as big of a fan of this stage though!:)

Mali talks about the baby a lot, and is STILL calling it a baby sister, we'll have to just wait and see. The cutest thing that she does is talk to the baby. I showed her how to talk to the baby in my tummy, but she thought it was better to talk to the baby through my mouth. So here is a short video of her doing it. It is pretty cute, especially because it was her own idea.

Monday, July 21, 2008

3rd Sonogram

This afternoon, we had our 3rd sonogram for this baby! AND...the baby was very healthy and normally developing. The entire time the baby was moving and kicking. I'm still praying for a calm baby, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen, but I'll take healthy over everything! Eric said that we just must have active babies. Eric did ask the doctor if the baby was showing us anything...and there seemed to be a possibility of something there, but the baby is still only 11 weeks, so we will just have to wait to find out a for sure until normal women find out what they are having (probably about 2 more months). We found out at about 12 weeks that Mali was a girl! Also, my appointment was at 2 and we were in the car leaving by 2:19pm!!! I was shocked, so Eric and I stopped to have a Cherry Lime date at Hud's before relieving our babysitter.
In pregnancy news, I'm still really sick, but I have only lost 1lb so the doctor isn't too concerned yet. He have me Prevacid to try to help. We're hoping that's the magic pill for me. I'm also really tired, but that is just pregnancy and having a 3 year old active daughter. I have also really popped out! I think that I'm about 1 month bigger at this point than what I was with Mali. I looked back at the pictures to compare and by the picture I look 5 months pregnant, not 4! I have also felt some fluttering around! That was when it all became worth it with Mali!
So, there is no hiding the fact that I'm pregnant now, and no point as I am at 11 weeks now, 1 week away from entering the safe zone!
The belly at 11 weeks:

The baby at 11 weeks:

baby's head is on the left and spine towards the bottom

Saturday, July 19, 2008

One Year Anniversary

This last week marked one year that we have been residents of Amarillo, Texas...and I have yet to change my driver's license. There have been bumps in the road that we may not have experienced living in Lubbock, but I believe we've had some good things and blessings coming out of moving here as well. It reminds me that God's plan is always best for me and that He knows what bumps we can handle and where. We've really come a long way in this past year and have really planted roots here in our home (flower beds, pergola, new windows, wood floors, etc.) I have some new friends, but mine and Mali's friends from Lubbock just can not be replaced and still remain our closest friends.:) I am thankful for the new friends and relationships God has given me. Mali still talks about her best friends, Zachy and Calyn, as if she sees them every day still, and maybe absence makes all of their hearts grow fonder. We had found a church that we were attending for the most part of this whole year, my biggest concern with moving, but in the past two weeks have made a change and are now attending a new church. Eric is excited about this change and I look forward to what God will teach us through the change. The top reason we are very thankful to live in Amarillo tends to be that once we leave Dalhart, we only have an hour to drive! That is generally what we talk about the most. We look forward what year #2 in Amarillo will bring with Eric as the head freshman football coach and a new baby on the way. Lots of change is guaranteed.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Stay "3" forever

Last night when I was putting Mali to bed, she suddenly had a revelation, or stall tactic, she said "Mommy, when am I going to school?" I told her August 27th (When preschool starts). She started crying and said "I don't want to go to school, I'm too little." I clarified thinking maybe she meant school where Bretan and Kadan go, and said "when you are six you go to school." She continued to whine and cry and said "The teacher will say you are too little. I'm just three and God wants me to stay three not six."
Thought that was cute and needed to be shared. Fortunately, that was the end of stalling for last night!

4th of July

The year before Brandon left for Nepal, he and Eric entered the Cuchara 4th of July Parade. Their first entry was Brandon riding the 4-wheeler pulling Eric on ski's and dressed in 80's ski gear....all to draw attention to the fact that the resort at Cuchara has been closed and is being held "captive". After Brandon returned from Nepal last year, we all joined in the parade...Eric pulled Mali and I in a rescue sled joking that we ski-ed "Bare Bumps". Bear Bumps is a real run at the resort, but is obviously bare because they won't open the resort. This year, Brandon fixed up a snowmobile and pulled Eric. Mali got to ride with Uncle Brandon and throw candy.
We love celebrating the 4th of July in Cuchara and having our own special traditions. We spent a lot of time sitting outside at the cabin and enjoying the beautiful mountains. Mali had fun with all of Uncle Brandon's friends again this year. I've realized what a great blessing it is for her to be around great, older people that love Jesus too. She's a lucky girl, and they were really great to play with her and love on her.
Link to last year's parade picture:
Link to first year parade picture:

Eric's job update

Tuesday night, Eric found out that he is going to be the head Freshman football coach at Amarillo High. I'm so proud of him. He is such a great coach and I know he will do great as a head coach. He was a little worried about what it was going to be like to go from being the head of the middle school to just another coach, but now he doesn't have to worry. Eric's spring sport is going to be boy's soccer. He will be the assistant. You might be wondering if he knows anything about soccer...Eric's response is "no", but since he is the assistant he will just follow the head coach's lead. It will be interesting and totally new for us. But, it is also a blessing because the baby is due February 2nd, which is the beginning of baseball season and I can't imagine how hard it would be to have Eric gone as much as baseball requires with having a new baby. God knows!

Gummy Bear

Last Tuesday, we had sonogram #2 just to check on the baby and make sure that it is still okay and that there was no molar tissue or other problems. I also started bleeding BUT it happened at exactly the same time when I was pregnant with Mali (8 weeks). So the sonogram confirmed that the baby is still okay. Strong heart beat (185) and we even saw arms, legs and fingers!!! The baby even moved around. It was pretty exciting to see. My OB said that the baby looked like a gummy bear and was about the same size as a gummy bear. The new due date based on the sizes and this sonogram is February 2nd. And if I decide to have a repeat C-section they will schedule that 7-10 days before my due date. I'm praying about what to do, as my OB will allow me to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean). I'm still feeling pretty sick and tired, but that just seems to be the course that my pregnancies take. I'm trying to keep focused on God and draw from His strength and rely on Him. Mali is still doing great with the idea, as far as she knows. She talks about sharing her toys and baby dolls with the baby and letting the baby sleep in her room. And yes, Mali is still referring to the baby as a girl.