Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Recital time

After last year's experience with Mali's ballet recital, I wasn't sure I would ever willingly participate in one again. But here I find myself, once again preparing for recital. Really the only reason I decided to do it was because the costs were up front (one costume, no other fees for recital, etc.) and I wanted to give AC a chance to redeem my perception of ballet recitals. So far so good, but the craziness has started. Today we got the costumes. They were an outrageous $40, although that seems to the way of ballet costumes, and Mali's "Grammie" graciously paid for her. All of us moms were a little skeptical about what the costumes would look like, especially for costing $40. But, to our surprise, they didn't look too bad and looked even better when all the girls were in costume. We got to stay in the room and watch the girls dance in costume too. It was pretty cute. I'm so proud of my little caboose (side note: in case I haven't mentioned it yet, Mali is the caboose when the girls come on and off stage. We all know which type of child is the caboose. But I've decided to make a big deal of what a special role she has in her recital.) So on to the agenda of the recital. Next Tuesday Mali's class practices on stage at the auditorium at AC and we can watch. The next week we have pictures and the girls need to be in full costume for individual and group pictures. All of which cost $17.50 per picture and come in a cardboard frame!:) Then on May 17th we have the dress rehearsal and May 18th the recital. I am going to be a stage mom for the recital, in hopes that this will help Mali actually go on stage and we can avoid a disaster like last year when Mali did AMAZING at the dress rehearsal but cried and cried for me and wouldn't go on stage during the recital. Also, we can only have 4 tickets per child, a little complicating since everyone lives so close now. So we are going to pray for a good fun time and no 103 degree fevers (like last year) I have to blog about this because I think it is so funny, but I do love the experience for Mali and watching what she learns about practicing and preparation for big events!! And, it is no where near as crazy as last year. I'm also so thankful to not be on bedrest this year and having to prepare for recital, like last year.
Okay so after reading through this, I'm confident that this year HAS to be better than last year by a long shot.

Just a preview of the cuteness that is to come:

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