Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pre K

Uuugh, my stomach just dropped when I titled this post, it is going to be a long journey for me as a mom into this unknown territory called "preschool". Last night Eric, Mali and I attended a preschool open house at Paramount Baptist. This is the church that we already attend. I have called around and visited other preschools. The most recommended preschool quickly filled up and was also not on the days that I wanted. I was firm on wanting Mali to attend BSF (Thursdays) for one more year. I had thought that I would just send Mali to a mother's day out program one day a week, but then she wrote her name, so we thought maybe she needed something that was challenging her. So, we visited the open house, filled out the paperwork, and submitted our registration fee. Eric really liked the preschool. The preschool program has a low ratio (9 students to 1 teacher). I also know two moms who send their children there and like it. Some of the other things we liked were the way they teach pre-writing, pre-math, pre-reading, etc. They also really incorporate the Bible into their teaching each unit. There seems to be just enough structure, but not too much that it will make it a difficult experience for Mali. We visited two rooms, the first room Mali clung to us, the second room she got down and played and looked at their science experiments (tornadoes in bottles and eggs waiting to hatch). So we are praying that God allows her to be in second room for all of our benefit! Of course, requesting a certain teacher is not possible, so we are going to pray and see where God allows her to go. This is only the beginning of such prayers I imagine! It gave me a small glimpse down the road at public school and teachers where you get what you get and deal with it! Surprisingly, it was the public school teacher (Eric:)) who most wanted to request a teacher! Mali will be going on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings to preschool. God has used this time to really make me aware of how precious my time with Mali is! I'm already thinking about her being gone next year two mornings a week! (Which turns into 2 mornings for preschool, one morning for bible study, ballet/gymnastics one morning, plus all of our sporting events that Eric coaches that we attend). As some of you know, the whole preschool thing has been a huge wait on my heart and shoulders for the past few months. I haven't known what to do. Originally, I was going to wait until 4 year old preschool for Mali to begin, and keep her back this year. But, preschool is paid for and it just seemed like it needed to happen. I was worried she might get burnt out which might lead to even more behavior problems. I've also struggled with wanting to spend as much time parenting as I can before she just gets caught up in the educational system. God has not convicted me in any way to home school her, quite the opposite in fact, and I do believe her needs will be better served by godly, trained teachers, but I just wasn't sure. Another piece of my doubt comes from my training of play therapy, I want Mali to have ample time to sit and play, grow her imagination and just be a kid. I don't want to rush here and there constantly and miss the beauty that is childhood. I'm sure it will be hard for me, and I'm not sure I feel at peace with it yet, but my head (and husband) keeps telling me it will be great for her. However, I'm the one that has to peel her off of me when I drop her off at ballet, bible study and church and desperately bribe her with a Popsicle or ice cream if she will "let go of momma and go to your spot". Can I do this two more days a week? Life is just about adjustments isn't it? I'm so blessed and thankful to have God to guide me and get me through these times!

1 comment:

  1. I know you know this, but I think as she gets a little older she'll be less clingy. And my other thought was, maybe a tighter schedule/more structure will help with behavior. I guess I still think like a prek teacher!
