Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Friendship and dresses

This morning Mali walked up to me with "sad eyes", holding her blanket and asked to cuddle on the couch. I asked her why she was sad, she sniffed, and didn't say anything. About a minute later she said, "you know why I'm sad-ee?" "I'm missing my Zachy and Calyn and Calee and Irelan." It has been about 8 months since we left Zachy and Calyn and she still misses them. But the encouraging news is she's added two new friends. Calee is our bible study friend, but she has a new baby in the family and can't meet up or come over to play (keeping those germs at bay. And we have had Irelan for the past two days. The last day they fought all day, but Mali still wants her. I'm wondering if she is Sanguine. Friends have always been a huge part of my life, so I can sympathize! I've actually felt "sad-ee" as well about missing my friends!
On a happier note, some what. Mali LOVES to wear dresses. That is all she will wear. Today it is 40 degrees out and she still wants a dress. I conceded, but said she had to wear a sweater with the dress. Sometimes I wonder if she is my child!!:) But I love her and I'm so thankful for her, even if she loves dresses and makeup and insists of me blow drying her hair every night because she still sheds her clothes and dives into the sand box and gets really dirty!:)

1 comment:

  1. Zach and Calyn have been asking all week to go to Mali's house. I think it is because we are going to the zoo and they associate the zoo with Mali. Even when we don't talk about you all for a wile, Calyn still prays for Brie and Mali. She has dropped Eric, so he must be on the outs.
