Saturday, April 26, 2008

Too big

Yesterday as we were walking through Wal-Mart I was hit with a huge thought, Mali is about to move out of the toddler/baby section of clothes. I kept pushing the cart past her former size to her new size. Now, I'm not too thrilled about the clothes offered over there. I just am not ready to let go of my little girl. I guess clothing size made me realize she is too big and IS growing up. I really thought I was going to start bawling right there in Wal-Mart. I remember how excited I was when she went from 24 months to 2T, I loved it, so don't think I want to stifle her growing up, but from 3T/4T to x-small? That just doesn't seem possible. However, today as I had a little photo shoot with Mali next to some wisteria, I realized that her new 4T dress that fit for sure 2 weeks ago is getting a little too short for her to wear. I can't believe it happened...overnight!!! Maybe that is why she has been napping. So now I'm anxious to measure her height. Anyway, this is one of those bridges I'm going to have to cross of letting go of my sweet little girl. But in the mean time, we might look at clothes at Children's Place, I'm just not ready for the big girl clothes (and I think they'll fall right off her still tiny waist, x-small or not!:)) On the good side, it looks like she is going to continue to develop a height that will make her the ideal outside hitter in volleyball one day!:) (notice where the hem of her dress is in this picture)

for more pictures from the "photo shoot" click here:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Results from 4/20/08

Once again, praise to God, my hCG was still negative!!! I say this every time, but I was concerned about it being elevated once again. It may take me the 4 months I have to go just to learn to trust God with my results. I'm definitely a work in progress!!! Thanks for your prayers as always.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Recital time

After last year's experience with Mali's ballet recital, I wasn't sure I would ever willingly participate in one again. But here I find myself, once again preparing for recital. Really the only reason I decided to do it was because the costs were up front (one costume, no other fees for recital, etc.) and I wanted to give AC a chance to redeem my perception of ballet recitals. So far so good, but the craziness has started. Today we got the costumes. They were an outrageous $40, although that seems to the way of ballet costumes, and Mali's "Grammie" graciously paid for her. All of us moms were a little skeptical about what the costumes would look like, especially for costing $40. But, to our surprise, they didn't look too bad and looked even better when all the girls were in costume. We got to stay in the room and watch the girls dance in costume too. It was pretty cute. I'm so proud of my little caboose (side note: in case I haven't mentioned it yet, Mali is the caboose when the girls come on and off stage. We all know which type of child is the caboose. But I've decided to make a big deal of what a special role she has in her recital.) So on to the agenda of the recital. Next Tuesday Mali's class practices on stage at the auditorium at AC and we can watch. The next week we have pictures and the girls need to be in full costume for individual and group pictures. All of which cost $17.50 per picture and come in a cardboard frame!:) Then on May 17th we have the dress rehearsal and May 18th the recital. I am going to be a stage mom for the recital, in hopes that this will help Mali actually go on stage and we can avoid a disaster like last year when Mali did AMAZING at the dress rehearsal but cried and cried for me and wouldn't go on stage during the recital. Also, we can only have 4 tickets per child, a little complicating since everyone lives so close now. So we are going to pray for a good fun time and no 103 degree fevers (like last year) I have to blog about this because I think it is so funny, but I do love the experience for Mali and watching what she learns about practicing and preparation for big events!! And, it is no where near as crazy as last year. I'm also so thankful to not be on bedrest this year and having to prepare for recital, like last year.
Okay so after reading through this, I'm confident that this year HAS to be better than last year by a long shot.

Just a preview of the cuteness that is to come:

Friday, April 18, 2008

What will Mali be when she grows up?

One of the fun things about raising a child is speculating what they will be when they grow up. So this post is devoted to what Mali could be.

A vet?

A golfer or a ballerina?

Her daddy hopes that she will be a left handed golfer (see video):

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Matthew 25

Today in bible study, we studied this passage and I had to post it on my blog. This is a parable of the 10 virgins. It made me evaluate my relationship with Jesus and if it is true and real. It also made me think of all the people that I love in my life who I don't want to be caught without their oil, even though they have been invited to the wedding. We are all invited!!!! The "lamps" are symbolic of Christian profession or some sort of church membership/involvement, knowledge of the bible, etc. Some people profess to know Jesus and be "Christians" but do not have a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus and those are the 5 virgins who had everything but their oil (symbolic of the Holy Spirit). They were even excited about the bridegroom (Jesus) coming and called him Lord!! So I just wanted to share this scripture and let these God breathed words be powerful and speak for themselves to each of our hearts as we read them.

"Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 "Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. 3 "For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4 but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. 5 "Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. 6 "But at midnight there was a shout, `Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.' 7 "Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 8 "The foolish said to the prudent, `Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.' 9 "But the prudent answered, `No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.' 10 "And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. 11 "Later the other virgins also came, saying, `Lord, lord, open up for us.' 12 "But he answered, `Truly I say to you, I do not know you.' 13 "Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.

Friday, April 11, 2008

THE Master's

Eric was able to check off one of his "dreams" this past weekend. He, his dad and his dad's best friend went to Augusta, GA to attend the Master's Golf Tournament at Augusta National. He intends to dictate a blog to me soon, but in the meantime I posted his pictures and his dad's pictures.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Friendship and dresses

This morning Mali walked up to me with "sad eyes", holding her blanket and asked to cuddle on the couch. I asked her why she was sad, she sniffed, and didn't say anything. About a minute later she said, "you know why I'm sad-ee?" "I'm missing my Zachy and Calyn and Calee and Irelan." It has been about 8 months since we left Zachy and Calyn and she still misses them. But the encouraging news is she's added two new friends. Calee is our bible study friend, but she has a new baby in the family and can't meet up or come over to play (keeping those germs at bay. And we have had Irelan for the past two days. The last day they fought all day, but Mali still wants her. I'm wondering if she is Sanguine. Friends have always been a huge part of my life, so I can sympathize! I've actually felt "sad-ee" as well about missing my friends!
On a happier note, some what. Mali LOVES to wear dresses. That is all she will wear. Today it is 40 degrees out and she still wants a dress. I conceded, but said she had to wear a sweater with the dress. Sometimes I wonder if she is my child!!:) But I love her and I'm so thankful for her, even if she loves dresses and makeup and insists of me blow drying her hair every night because she still sheds her clothes and dives into the sand box and gets really dirty!:)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Almost complete

So I've lost count of which stage of our landscaping project this really is, BUT today I planted the last of the shrubs. In the far right sort of corner we have Shasta Daisies (my favorite) to plant but it is still too cold for those. We also have some ground cover to plant on each side of the sidewalks, but it is also too cold still for those. As soon as we add those and some annuals we will be done! Here are some pics and the rundown of what is planted (south to north of our house):

3 viburnum bushes that smell great, gladiolas planted as bulbs, 3 Buford hollies, an Alberta spruce, and a nandina

1 birch tree (bark is very similar looking to an Aspen as it ages, 3 Gold N Emerald Eunoymous, another nandina, in the very back a Mockorange, 5 hawthornes bushes, 1 yew, a Serviceberry (has edible fruit at some point) 1 more yew, 5 William Pin Barberrys, verbena annuals, a Washington Hawthorne, and 5 asters. Anyone lost??

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Two thoughts to share

I am just so amazed at how God can infiltrate my life and mind and teach me in the most normal moments. I wanted to share two HUGE things God showed me yesterday, during my quiet time? NO! While I was sitting on the couch playing with Mali!

1. I've had some struggles with Mali throwing fits and clinging to me when I take her to ballet (this just started a few weeks ago and has gotten progressively worse). I've felt so many things, a lot of them guilt and thinking I'm a bad mom for some reason because, surely, I've caused this maladaptive behavior. I also get fed these ideas from other people too. So, God just spoke to me that I'm not being a bad mom because Mali acts this way, in fact I'm being a good mom by being there when she gets out and always picking her up. I'm teaching her about Jesus and how he has promised to return to us and one day will. Now, I do not compare my self to Jesus and his return, but I'm beginning to learn about parenting Mali so that she sees Jesus in her parents and can easily desire a relationship with Him.

2. Mali is very active and my tendency is to think "we need to get out of the house" or try and find an active activity for her. Yesterday, I sat on the couch and tickled her and said "Mali, you need some crazy time" (that was Holy Spirit inspired, seriously). So I yelled "go, go, go" and similar phrases, while she ran around the living room crazily. That is when God spoke to me again. I realized that when we have problems I tend to parent less by getting her out of the house when the solution may just be to parent MORE by actively coming up with or engaging in an activity with her. Yes, I did know these things from my training, but it was an ah ha moment for me. You can pray for me to take more of these opportunities with Mali if you think of it. It has been even harder with running here and there with errands and work.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pre K

Uuugh, my stomach just dropped when I titled this post, it is going to be a long journey for me as a mom into this unknown territory called "preschool". Last night Eric, Mali and I attended a preschool open house at Paramount Baptist. This is the church that we already attend. I have called around and visited other preschools. The most recommended preschool quickly filled up and was also not on the days that I wanted. I was firm on wanting Mali to attend BSF (Thursdays) for one more year. I had thought that I would just send Mali to a mother's day out program one day a week, but then she wrote her name, so we thought maybe she needed something that was challenging her. So, we visited the open house, filled out the paperwork, and submitted our registration fee. Eric really liked the preschool. The preschool program has a low ratio (9 students to 1 teacher). I also know two moms who send their children there and like it. Some of the other things we liked were the way they teach pre-writing, pre-math, pre-reading, etc. They also really incorporate the Bible into their teaching each unit. There seems to be just enough structure, but not too much that it will make it a difficult experience for Mali. We visited two rooms, the first room Mali clung to us, the second room she got down and played and looked at their science experiments (tornadoes in bottles and eggs waiting to hatch). So we are praying that God allows her to be in second room for all of our benefit! Of course, requesting a certain teacher is not possible, so we are going to pray and see where God allows her to go. This is only the beginning of such prayers I imagine! It gave me a small glimpse down the road at public school and teachers where you get what you get and deal with it! Surprisingly, it was the public school teacher (Eric:)) who most wanted to request a teacher! Mali will be going on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings to preschool. God has used this time to really make me aware of how precious my time with Mali is! I'm already thinking about her being gone next year two mornings a week! (Which turns into 2 mornings for preschool, one morning for bible study, ballet/gymnastics one morning, plus all of our sporting events that Eric coaches that we attend). As some of you know, the whole preschool thing has been a huge wait on my heart and shoulders for the past few months. I haven't known what to do. Originally, I was going to wait until 4 year old preschool for Mali to begin, and keep her back this year. But, preschool is paid for and it just seemed like it needed to happen. I was worried she might get burnt out which might lead to even more behavior problems. I've also struggled with wanting to spend as much time parenting as I can before she just gets caught up in the educational system. God has not convicted me in any way to home school her, quite the opposite in fact, and I do believe her needs will be better served by godly, trained teachers, but I just wasn't sure. Another piece of my doubt comes from my training of play therapy, I want Mali to have ample time to sit and play, grow her imagination and just be a kid. I don't want to rush here and there constantly and miss the beauty that is childhood. I'm sure it will be hard for me, and I'm not sure I feel at peace with it yet, but my head (and husband) keeps telling me it will be great for her. However, I'm the one that has to peel her off of me when I drop her off at ballet, bible study and church and desperately bribe her with a Popsicle or ice cream if she will "let go of momma and go to your spot". Can I do this two more days a week? Life is just about adjustments isn't it? I'm so blessed and thankful to have God to guide me and get me through these times!