Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mali can write!

So maybe Mali isn't the 18 month old that can read (from Lubbock no less AND a fan of Signing Time like Mali was), but she can write her name! Yesterday I took Mali to story time at the library. After the story, they were able to color. Mali colored three sheets and I looked down and she had written her name. I never said anything to her about writing her name, she just did it. So I just had to share this. You can make out the A, L, and i with a dot over it. At the very bottom is an M. She did this all on her own! I was so amazed! So I just had to memorialize it by posting about it! It is one of the first things that I know I've worked with her on that she can now do. So, we will keep working on writing and letter recognition. Watch our pre-k, here comes Mali!

Also, a week ago after BSF (bible study fellowship, it has an awesome Children's program while the mom's go to their own bible study), we were eating lunch and Mali said "Do you know what is missing from my heart?" I said "no" and she said "Jesus". I'm so thankful for the seeds that are being planted in her heart. And, I did think, Yes Jesus is missing from your heart, that is why you poop and pee on the floor when you get mad!

1 comment:

  1. Haha to the pooping and peeing on the floor statement. You crack me up!
