Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

Every year it is my desire to honor God and teach Mali the real reason for this day of celebration. It is hard to do with all of the commercialization of Easter as well as our desire to let her have a fun day. This year was the year I've "tried" the least and it has worked out the best. We got up and got ready for Easter. While we ate a nice breakfast I read her the Easter story and we talked about what Easter is about. While I got ready, Eric talked with Mali about Easter too. Mali, Eric, Brandon and I all went to the Sunday service, came home and let Mali open her Easter baskets from Nana and Grammie. I was glad that the first focus of the day was on Jesus and teaching Mali that, but she still was able to open her baskets. When Mali's MeeMee and Papa stopped by, Mali told them that we celebrate Easter because "Jesus died but then he growed up again." I corrected her, "rose up again", and SHE corrected me "growed up again". Tonight Mali and I are going to bake a carrot cake (maybe that can be our tradition) and I'm already trying to think of how to incorporate that into the Easter celebration.


  1. What an amazing mother you are! I love the fact that you guys talked about Jesus first and then later let her open/get into her Easter basket. I am going to file that idea away for the future. Spring Break sounded, fast. I am so sorry to hear about Eric's grandmother.
    Your yard looks amazing. I am really jealous. We just started working on ours. We need Eric to come to some concrete work for us. ;)

  2. What a cute Easter picture! I love Mali's dress! I think it's so wonderful how you explain the real reason for Easter and you teach her the importance of it. Your yard is looking wonderful and it will be awesome when you're all finished! We really need to do some landscaping also! That sounded like a rushed spring break/birthday celebration trip, but at least you got to go somewhere and were greatly appreciated. :o)
