Monday, April 26, 2010


This is my reality: Tons of chores to do around the house and no time to do it. I feel like I'm constantly having to choose between picking up the house (or some other "chore") and spending time with the girls. Since Mali doesn't take a nap anymore there is no down time to get these things done without sacrificing time with Mali. The battle is that I need to have special Mali time but I'm always torn with getting my list of things done versus spending time with Mali when Eleri takes her nap. Sundays are laundry day and the sink was FULL of dishes, and the living room was pretty trashed from our weekend family events. I really didn't want to do that stuff anyway.:) So yesterday, I spent the afternoon outside with Mali picking up seed things off the grass that had dropped from our trees. It was a beautiful afternoon and a beautiful hour of time with just Mali!


  1. Oh, Brie, I'm not going to lie. You're post made me feel better about our chaos of a house! I thought I was the only one! Now, when can we get that little fairy to come clean them for us!?!

  2. Brie, I LOVED your transparency! If you could only see the PILES of stuff in my kitchen and what was once used as a dining room table. haha! The joys of "mom-hood!" I was recently introduced to this website called "flylady dot com " and it has amazing tips on getting your house back in shape. Its for moms and wives who have the same issues. Its been amazing! You can sign up to receive daily emails. Each week is given a different zone of the house, and each day of that week it tells you what to do, so by the end of the month you have cleaned your whole house. Its really cool, and I have already seen an improvement around mine. I feel like it takes less pressure off me to get the whole house clean EVERY day, and I just have to maintain it after that. Pretty cool, if you ask me. Hope it helps! Again, thanks for your transparency! :)

  3. I'm glad I'm not alone!!! Sarah, I do subscribe to fly lady and it's helped a ton!! This was obviously a bad day with dishes. ;) I usually shine my sink and pick up every night after the girls go to bed...but didn't Friday or Saturday

  4. Love your openess!! Mine house is the same way. And I love you new blog layout! Very cute!

  5. I love the new look and the family picture! I agree! I didn't realize how much I'd have to prioritize as a mother. I just have to accept that I'm never going to be able to get everything done that I'd like.

    Thank you for the comment you made to me! That's a great point! I should enjoy it while I can. I was being selfish and thinking of the things I wanted to get done and wasn't able. (Plus she didn't nap much at all.) She's only a baby for a moment in time and I should enjoy and savor every minute!

  6. I LOVE this blog! It is honest and beautiful, thank you. I am totally going to take pictures of my "reality" and post.

  7. hard to house is always perfect, laundry takes care of itself and dishes jump from the table to the dishwasher!! Oh yeah, and toys walk back to their 'rooms' at night!! HA!

    Loving your new font...HOW did you do that??? Please share!! :)

  8. I LOVE that you posted pics of your home as it really is! My house looks just about the same right now.


    I don't have any down time during the day either, so I totally understand your struggle between chores and quality one on one time.
