Thursday, April 29, 2010

Eleri is 15 months

Once again, I'm typing and thinking that my baby can't be this old, but at the same time the last three months has really just meshed together and I feel like we are just living our lives instead of waiting and watching for the next baby achievement. Eleri is doing great. She is at such a fun age. I'm much better at being a toddler mommy than a baby mommy, and really enjoy this stage meltdowns and all. Eleri weighed 22lbs at her last sick visit two weeks ago and we go for her well check on Monday. Eleri still loves Mali (I write that as if I'm waiting for it to change) and wants to constantly be around Mali. Eleri does not play very much in her room, but is exploring the house, following Mali around. I love watching them play when they are getting along. I'm also amazed at how Eleri can find anything to entertain her; she doesn't need toddler toys she will make anything a toddler toy. Lately, Eleri has enjoyed pushing the Little People cars around. She will play with anything that Mali will let her have or anything that Mali doesn't realize that she is playing with. This has caused TONS of sister fights. About a week ago, I had it with sister fights; Mali screaming or hurting Eleri and then Eleri crying and screaming and needing to be consoled. I was more exhausted from repeating the same line "do it kindly", or "don't take that from her." Eleri hates having things taken from her, but is starting to fight back. Lately, she has been pinching Mali and not letting go (a fist full of Mali's skin too). Eleri loves to investigate and loves putting things in their place. I love that now I can tell her, "take that to Mali" or even "put your pacifier in your bed", which she does and is so proud of herself when she does it. That is really the only way we can get it from her, is if she puts her pacifier up. And well that's another proud parenting story. I never thought I would have a 15 month old glued to her pacifier (as you can tell in at least one of these pictures). My goal is to only give it to her at nap/bedtime but sometimes there is a gray area. And, to be honest, I'd rather hand it over than endure more screaming, especially in the car. However, I try not to give it to her in the car if we are taking Mali to pre k so that Eleri will stay awake to nap at home instead of in the car (didn't work today though. Bible study days make for rough days for baby). One of the cutest things that Eleri does is that she backs up to sit in your lap. If I'm on the floor, she gets in front of me, backs up and then plops her bottom in my lap. I love it! Eleri also enjoys being read to right now, especially books with "doggie". However, almost everything is a "doggie". In the middle of the night the other night when I was up with her, she was saying "doggie". That is Eleri's favorite word by far, although ball, daddie and mommie are in close running too. Eleri makes us laugh a lot. She has the funniest movements and expressions and is just sooo cute right now. Her favorite game right now is to say "nose" and touch her nose and then everyone else's nose in her proximty. We've also moved on to hair, eyes, eyebrows, glasses and of course her favorite "shoes" (see previous blog on this subject). I love seeing her personality shine through. Eleri had her first pair of pigtails the other day! I thought she looked way too grown up in them and they were a little tiny, so I think we are going to stick with her up-do. But she was cute anyway! Eleri still loves to eat and eat...and eat! Food is definitely her friend. I'm a little concerned...just a little, I'm not full fledge worried until her well check on Monday. Eleri loves playing and being outside. She loves balls and she even tries to color and write with chalk like Mali. As far as sleep goes, Eleri is doing better. She was waking at 6:15am and then refusing to go to bed until about 9:30. I was still rocking her but after about a week of rocking her and fighting her as she touched my nose, eyes, mouth, etc., etc., I decided it was time for her to go to bed without rocking to sleep. Night one was a success, night two ended with her either climbing out or falling out of her crib and lots of SCREAMING crying, night three has been a success after I removed the bumper pads (in her, may I mention, newly recalled crib!!!!! I think I'll be in there a lot checking on her tonight!) Oh how I love this sweet sweet girl that makes me laugh and brings our family so much added joy!

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