Thursday, April 29, 2010


Mali started T-Ball with Kids Inc today. She was very excited. Last night, after football practice, Eric took her to Academy to pick up a bat and a glove. Of course, Mali came home with the pink glove that lights up when you push a button on the glove. Then Eric took her out to practice with him in the backyard. It was so fun to watch him teach her all that he knows. He was really patient and enthusiastic with her and it made me smile! Eric did a great job of teaching her the components of t-ball as a game. They worked on batting and fielding. The only problem happened when Mali was fielding and I was batting. Apparently I should have known better, but I took a really good swing and hit the ball straight at Mali’s nose. We heard the thud of the (thankfully) tennis ball and I was so worried. I might add it was a half eaten tennis ball too. Eric thinks that it was a good thing, because Mali’s nose was a little swollen. She was very sweet thought. When I apologized to her she just said in her sobbing voice “that’s okay mommie.” The best part thought according to Eric, was after a Popsicle to ice her nose, Mali was ready to get back out there and play. Tonight was her first practice. Mali did really great and seemed to grasp the game. She made some great hits too. Eric would’ve been proud. The only downside was the kid that was coughing like crazy right in line behind her and then he threw up on the field!!! Why did he have to be standing next to my kid??? Afterwards, I asked her what she thought about t-ball and she said, “I love it. More than soccer and more than ballet.” She couldn’t wait to get home to play more with her daddy.

Sisterness in pictures

They certainly have a healthy sister relationship...I just wish there was a little more love!

Eleri is 15 months

Once again, I'm typing and thinking that my baby can't be this old, but at the same time the last three months has really just meshed together and I feel like we are just living our lives instead of waiting and watching for the next baby achievement. Eleri is doing great. She is at such a fun age. I'm much better at being a toddler mommy than a baby mommy, and really enjoy this stage meltdowns and all. Eleri weighed 22lbs at her last sick visit two weeks ago and we go for her well check on Monday. Eleri still loves Mali (I write that as if I'm waiting for it to change) and wants to constantly be around Mali. Eleri does not play very much in her room, but is exploring the house, following Mali around. I love watching them play when they are getting along. I'm also amazed at how Eleri can find anything to entertain her; she doesn't need toddler toys she will make anything a toddler toy. Lately, Eleri has enjoyed pushing the Little People cars around. She will play with anything that Mali will let her have or anything that Mali doesn't realize that she is playing with. This has caused TONS of sister fights. About a week ago, I had it with sister fights; Mali screaming or hurting Eleri and then Eleri crying and screaming and needing to be consoled. I was more exhausted from repeating the same line "do it kindly", or "don't take that from her." Eleri hates having things taken from her, but is starting to fight back. Lately, she has been pinching Mali and not letting go (a fist full of Mali's skin too). Eleri loves to investigate and loves putting things in their place. I love that now I can tell her, "take that to Mali" or even "put your pacifier in your bed", which she does and is so proud of herself when she does it. That is really the only way we can get it from her, is if she puts her pacifier up. And well that's another proud parenting story. I never thought I would have a 15 month old glued to her pacifier (as you can tell in at least one of these pictures). My goal is to only give it to her at nap/bedtime but sometimes there is a gray area. And, to be honest, I'd rather hand it over than endure more screaming, especially in the car. However, I try not to give it to her in the car if we are taking Mali to pre k so that Eleri will stay awake to nap at home instead of in the car (didn't work today though. Bible study days make for rough days for baby). One of the cutest things that Eleri does is that she backs up to sit in your lap. If I'm on the floor, she gets in front of me, backs up and then plops her bottom in my lap. I love it! Eleri also enjoys being read to right now, especially books with "doggie". However, almost everything is a "doggie". In the middle of the night the other night when I was up with her, she was saying "doggie". That is Eleri's favorite word by far, although ball, daddie and mommie are in close running too. Eleri makes us laugh a lot. She has the funniest movements and expressions and is just sooo cute right now. Her favorite game right now is to say "nose" and touch her nose and then everyone else's nose in her proximty. We've also moved on to hair, eyes, eyebrows, glasses and of course her favorite "shoes" (see previous blog on this subject). I love seeing her personality shine through. Eleri had her first pair of pigtails the other day! I thought she looked way too grown up in them and they were a little tiny, so I think we are going to stick with her up-do. But she was cute anyway! Eleri still loves to eat and eat...and eat! Food is definitely her friend. I'm a little concerned...just a little, I'm not full fledge worried until her well check on Monday. Eleri loves playing and being outside. She loves balls and she even tries to color and write with chalk like Mali. As far as sleep goes, Eleri is doing better. She was waking at 6:15am and then refusing to go to bed until about 9:30. I was still rocking her but after about a week of rocking her and fighting her as she touched my nose, eyes, mouth, etc., etc., I decided it was time for her to go to bed without rocking to sleep. Night one was a success, night two ended with her either climbing out or falling out of her crib and lots of SCREAMING crying, night three has been a success after I removed the bumper pads (in her, may I mention, newly recalled crib!!!!! I think I'll be in there a lot checking on her tonight!) Oh how I love this sweet sweet girl that makes me laugh and brings our family so much added joy!

Bethany Fields is amazing

This a link to Bethany Fields' website (the photographer who took our family pictures for free, yes FREE). I won the first contest of my life and it was a photo session and portraits from Bethany Fields. When I looked at her portfolio I couldn't wait for her to photograph our family. I really love her style and her eye. We had a great time getting to know her and letting her preserve memories of our family! I teared up as I scrolled through each picture! I can't wait to see more!

Monday, April 26, 2010


This is my reality: Tons of chores to do around the house and no time to do it. I feel like I'm constantly having to choose between picking up the house (or some other "chore") and spending time with the girls. Since Mali doesn't take a nap anymore there is no down time to get these things done without sacrificing time with Mali. The battle is that I need to have special Mali time but I'm always torn with getting my list of things done versus spending time with Mali when Eleri takes her nap. Sundays are laundry day and the sink was FULL of dishes, and the living room was pretty trashed from our weekend family events. I really didn't want to do that stuff anyway.:) So yesterday, I spent the afternoon outside with Mali picking up seed things off the grass that had dropped from our trees. It was a beautiful afternoon and a beautiful hour of time with just Mali!


Eleri LOVES shoes: Daddy's shoes, Mali's shoes, Mommy's shoes, and even her own shoes. She has gotten a little particular about what shoes she wants to wear herself. She has her favorites and will unstrap the ones that she has on to accommodate the new style. She loves going into my closet and coming out with my shoes on her feet. Eleri also thinks that everyone needs to be wearing shoes all the time and will bring me a pair of shoes even if I'm already wearing shoes.


Our backyard project is finished...well for the most part. Eric is going to add a concrete slab to Shank's kennel and then some rock out in front of it, but this is the finished flower garden. I'm thankful I took this picture yesterday afternoon because at bedtime, Shank had ripped out almost all of the drip tubing from underneath the rock.

She's amazing

Mali is pretty amazing. She drew this picture of her dad yesterday while he was grilling. She really added a ton of detail (notice the grill marks on the steaks?). It made me realize how much she picks up on, whether I know it or not. She's amazing!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mali's baptism

Yesterday, Mali was baptized during our church service. Right before the baptisms, the band played David Crowders song "How He Loves"! He does love all of us and Mali was there ready to show the church she had accepted His love. I can not even begin to tell you what a beautiful moment it was. Just beautiful! I know that I'm biased, but there was something just beautiful ABOUT Mali and ABOUT that moment. The video quality is not good at all, and yes, the pictures and video are actually pictures and video of the screen and not actually Mali!:) But you should listen to this video. Mali proudly proclaimed Jesus as Lord! Her sweet voice showed that she was genuine, excited and ready for this moment. Mali asked that Miss Kimberly baptize her. Part of me, well most of me, was sad that she didn't want Eric and I to baptize her. (Our church allows parents or people that played a significant role in the baptizee's salvation to be in the water with them.) But that is just a picture of Mali! She kept telling me that she wanted me and Eric to sit in our seats because we would make her nervous if we were with her. So, Miss Kimberly, our preschool minister, baptized her. And really, she has had an impact on Mali. The first time we met Miss Kimberly was during the Discover Hillside luncheon. Mali was able to go with Miss Kimberly while Eric and I got to know more about Hillside and joined the church. Miss Kimberly has loved on and smiled at Mali each Sunday that we see her. Even though our church is absolutely huge, Miss Kimberly has been very personal to our family and has always called Mali by name. The Clubhouse and Mali's Sunday School class have played huge roles and Miss Kimberly directs these. After Mali asked Jesus into her heart over the Christmas break, she couldn't wait to tell Miss Kimberly. So, Miss Kimberly baptized Mali. Mali proudly declared Jesus as Lord (I think I've said that a few times, but it is true and makes my heart leap with joy). Mali had many people there to witness her beautiful decision. Grammie, Mimi, Papa, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hopson, Nana and Grandpa, Aunt Megan and Uncle Chris, Zach, Calyn and Beth Dallas, her friend Parker Peterson (who waited in the hallway to congratulate Mali afterwards and give her a HUGE hug), and her big friends Caitlyn and Cooper and Miss Kristi came in to the service to watch her too. We had a few other friends in the service too that were able to witness this. I can not even explain how amazing it was, and amazing because it was God working. It wasn't Mali doing something, but how God has brought her to this place. Mali was ready for this day...there was NO hesitation in her mind or heart, she just wanted to do this because she knew in her heart this was her next step to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord of her life. Mali has been waiting so patiently for this day. For a while, she was asking me every day when she could be baptized. She was ready! In Matthew 3:13-17, Jesus says let it be so now when he is asking John the Baptist to baptize him "Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?"Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.". Mali was ready..."let it be so NOW" was how she felt. I believe that this is HUGE in Mali's life and so important. That being said, I do not believe that it brings a finality to her faith. This does not mean she will never stumble, struggle or will always follow the path God has for her. I understand that each day, and some time moment, will be a choice for her in who she will serve. Baptism has not saved her, it is not the water of baptism but the grace of God and the blood of Christ that has saved her. 1 Peter 3:21 says "and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ". Baptism has been a step of obedience to signify that she has chosen to accept this new life, Romans 6:3-4 says "Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."
Five years old is young, and we struggled with that aspect for a while, but we decided that we wouldn't tell her she couldn't do this. Yes, we did make sure she understood, but she was also certain and adamant and ready for this step. A lot of the time, I don't understand all of what God wants me to do in obedience to Him, but I do understand that He has said to do it. God told Mali to take this step and she wanted to and we weren't going to stop her. I'm praying that she won't feel the need to be re-baptized because she "didn't really mean it" one day, that she will hear and see this video and see the truth that is proclaimed through her voice and her heart. But, if that is the case, then we will encourage her to be obedient to the Spirit then. I was baptized when I was about 8 (I think) and even though I strayed away from God, I still knew that God had called me to that step at 8 regardless of my poor poor choices in between then and now and that each day I choose Him and that being re-baptized was not what He was asking me to do, I will pray the same for her (without the straying part!!!) that she will see the truth of this decision that she has made at the young age of five.
When I went to help her get dressed after her baptism, she was all cuddled up in the towels. I said something about the water must have been warm. And she said "I just wanted to stay there all day long". We had a good laugh! Wouldn't it be amazing if we just spent all day long basking in God's warming love???!!! After the service, Uncle Chris and Aunt Megan made a huge meal for us all to eat in celebration of this wonderful day. Unfortunately, Mali wasn't feeling up to much enjoyment, but we were blessed by family and friends nonetheless. We enjoyed celebrating all together!

I'm filled with such joy for this moment. Since I found out that I was pregnant with our first little baby, I have prayed that she would walk with God ALL the days of her life. I'm thinking five is pretty close to all of her days!:) I'm also filled with joy at God's faithfulness to answer my prayers and to lead her to Him despite me being her mother. I absolutely try and teach her about Jesus and I hope that my love for Him is conveyed to her but truthfully anything that she HAS learned about Jesus and His love and His death to save us all from our sins is absolutely by God's grace, because in the same fashion I have probably failed a million times to show her God's love, to teach her about Jesus, to pray with her at meal times, to pray with her when she is sick/fearful/angry, to consistently have a bible study time with her, to read to her from her bible every night, to teach her scripture to memorize, to go over my pink sheets from BSF with her, to post scripture on the 'fridge or dry erase board, to joyfully sing "This is the Day", or to fill our home with praise music, or to watch Veggie Tales instead of Disney movies...I wish my home was filled with these things more consistently (I wish I was more Michelle Duggar but find myself much more like Kate Gosselin..the old Kate Gosselin)...but God has led her to Him, He has pursued her (using me at times, using other amazing godly people in her little life as well). Mali has experienced God and His love and learning about him through so many people and I'm beyond thankful for those moments and those people. Let's keep loving this little girl, encouraging her to walk with God the rest of her days, and learn more about Him each day.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Life

I'm finally blogging about Easter. We had a great Easter celebration. I really struggle around Easter celebrations because my heart so desires to make Easter about the New Life that was given to all of us through Jesus' death on the cross and then His resurrection. In fact, I'm such a black and white person that I would like to make it solely about Jesus (no easter egg hunts, etc.). Eric balances us out though because he wants our girls to grow up having fun and not being "odd for God". So, we had a mix of both this Easter. I spent the week hiding Resurrection Eggs for Mali and Eleri. Resurrection Eggs are just a Christianized version of an Easter Egg hunt...each egg has a symbol to help children remember the Easter story. I was excited and hopeful about this, but then quickly realized, Mali is a little young. She found the egg, opened it and wanted to play with whatever the symbol was (for example: using the whip to hit her sister) and she didn't even listen to the "story" part. Maybe next year! On Easter Sunday, we went to church with Grammie, Uncle Brandon, and Liza. After church, we made a brunch of eggs benedict, fruit crepes, ham, spring green salad, biscuits and orange juice. It was a little chaotic and Eleri was in a difficult mood. After brunch, we just went on with our day and did some easter egg hunting and again read through the Easter story using the Resurrection Eggs. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed all of the New Life around us that has come from Jesus giving His life for us: our life, Mali's new life as this is her first Easter after asking Jesus into her heart (In one week, we will be celebrating this as Mali makes her decision public and is baptized), the new life of the pear trees around us, the new life of the grass and flowers, the new life of relationships that we celebrated on Easter too. And I'm hopeful for all the New Life around us that will spring forth from God's majesty and powerful hand.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baby Tantrums

This is what Eleri does when she is frustrated! I'm not really sure why she does it, but it makes me laugh, which may release endorphins, which may make me less frazzled when she is throwing one of her many baby tantrums.


Eleri L-O-V-E-S bananas! We go through a whole bunch of bananas in a day when I buy them. She could eat one an hour I think. And, her love for bananas has caused some drama in our household! Thankfully, Grammie was just here and provided bananas to our banana lover! Eric reminded me that when Mali was this age, I had to avoid the bananas at Wal-Mart because she was the same way!
Unfortunately, she loves bananas soooo much that I couldn't even capture a picture of her eating a banana...only the very messy end result of her banana consumption.

When Grammie comes to town

When Grammie comes to town the girls get lots of extra holding, playing time, special treats, good food, cute clothes, and lots and lots of extra fun. They sure love their visits with Grammie!

My mom came down to visit for the Easter weekend and stayed until Wednesday morning. It was so nice to have an extra set of hands, and eyes, to help out for the weekend. The kitchen was cleaned. Dishes were put away. Meals were made. Girls were well loved and entertained. Baths were given. Adult conversation was had. It was a nice time. I so appreciate all that my mom does for us when she comes down on her visits. We are all very spoiled by her visits!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lack of supervision

This is what happens when Eleri has a lack of supervision. Eric was grilling and I was inside getting the rest of dinner ready. Eric came in for some reason, and when he went back outside we found Eleri like this. It was too funny so I had to take some pictures. And if you are wondering: yes, this is the cutest outfit she has right now. yes, this was the first time she wore it. yes, this is the DOG's water bowl.