Eleri said her first real word the other night..."baby". It was so cute. I just love her little voice. Several months ago, she had babbled "mamamama" and "dadadada" but this was clearly "baby" and was said as I pointed to a baby in her book. Eleri has also been aimlessly walking around the house and seems to follow Mali saying "may may". It is so sweet! She also has been making sounds in recognition of the puppies for a while now, and I think its the end sound of "py". I love just watching her little baby legs waddle all over the house. She does not stop walking, and just wanders around all day! This is a picture from my attempt at her 1 year (almost) photo shoot! It was NOT happening. Our sleepless nights have provided me with ample time to read up on some photography blogs and I've learned some fun things about my camera and photoshop that I had to implement! AND, the best news is that Eleri actually slept through the night last night. I think this is about her 10th full night of sleep in 11 1/2 months!!! Lets just hope it continues. Of course, I spent the night tossing and turning and praying for her safety since it is so strange to have her so quiet. And, I was wide awake at 5:30, go figure! I'll gladly take it all. I was some what tempted to get up and work out using our new Wii Fit...but I cuddled up in our warm covers and slept for another hour until Eleri did wake up.
And...this was my 400th post! Crazy, I might just overdo it a little!:)
yay for Eleri...I hope the sleepiness continues! :) Enjoyed catching up and will be in prayer for your upcoming decisions...
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