Day 2 was spent running some errands. We headed to a shopping center to buy last minute wedding presents and new shoes for Mali. Of course the one pair of shoes I bought had given her horrible blisters and I knew we wouldn't make it the rest of the weekend in those shoes. Thank goodness for SuperTarget. Mali picked out a pair of new shoes with only a minor meltdown. We also spent some time reading children's books at Borders. The sweet, peaceful time reading that Carrie and I had envisioned quickly turned into an "I want" session for my oldest. We did get to eat a nice lunch while Eleri napped in her stroller and then it was back home to rest. Carrie and I got lots of good talking time in. My girls did great at the McCulloughs and were so interested in all the new toys that they had. Carrie's kids napped and we caught up and swapped parenting ideas. It was so fun to see the differences in our children, no matter what we did as parents. Carrie's children are sweet, sensitive and introverts...and scared of my children!;) My sweet girls are loud, not as sensitive and extreme extroverts. This was cause for some tears, but overall they all got along great.
That afternoon, we loaded up my girls and Carrie and I drove to Andrea Brown's wedding. We had misread the invitation and ended up arriving an hour early for the wedding. Try keeping MY girls still for an extra, unplanned 30 minutes. Thanks goodness Carrie packed lots of snacks to occupy them. We were able to see Andrea before the wedding and give her pink donuts from Donut Stop. I'm curious to see how they tasted after being frozen and flown from Amarillo!:) Andrea looked absolutely beautiful. The wedding was beautiful and their video was so great! We weren't able to stay for much of the reception because, again, keeping my girls occupied is a little difficult in such a nice setting. And, yes, I did shut both girls inside the entry way between the outside glass doors and the inside glass doors. They LOVED it and laughed at each other and could be as loud as possible. We butted in line to watch Andrea and Matt cut the cake and then got a few pictures and lots of hugs before we had to head back to Carrie's! It was so sweet to watch their wedding, and see God's big plan and picture unfold!
Little girls all dressed up for special occasions are SO CUTE! Yours are especially adorable! :-)