Friday, January 29, 2010

Eleri Cate is.....1 year old!

Today Eleri has turned ONE!!! Of course the time has flown, and I can not believe that she is already one. Eleri is still so full of life. She is really starting to become her own little girl. She is acting and looking even more different. (We've noticed that her face has gotten a little chubbier too in the recent week!) I still LOVE those chubby cheeks. Eleri is doing great. She is still waking at night, sometimes multiple times, but I'm not going to get her. I've started to wean her and that is going fairly well. She loves her milk sippy cups much more than Mali ever did. I'm so thankful that she has nursed for a year and it has been a special time. We are both ready for this season to end, but it is sad, especially with how hard you have to persevere to begin with. Eleri loves to eat. Her favorite foods are cheese, bread, Fruit Loops, green beans, any kind of meat, drinking Daddy's tea. Eleri just loves food, she is willing to try anything and everything food wise, especially if it is in someone else's hand. Eleri loves bath time. I can say "are you ready for your bath" or sign "bath" or even turn on water, and she is walking to her bath. The other day, I ran the water and then was watching the news, I heard a thud/splash and looked and Eleri was IN the bath WITH her clothes on, and she didn't even seem to mind. Eleri loves her big sister and will squat down and peek at Mali. Eleri is very attentive to Mali when Mali is crying. Eleri just may be our more sensitive, caring child. However, Eleri does hit Mali and holds her own. We have entered a stage of tons of sister fighting. Poor Eleri has had more head injuries than we ever wanted for our sweet baby. God HAS protected her though and she has not sustained anything too serious, as heart breaking as any bump or bruise is. Eleri likes to laugh and cracks up laughing when Mali laughs. Eleri loves to position herself in the bottom of our bookcase or crawl underneath her bed. She does seem to show a more adventurous side. Eleri loves to play with balls or to put object into other objects. Eleri enjoys books, but mainly taking them off the shelf and bringing them to me. Eleri can say mama, dada, may (for Mali), mi mi (seems to be directed towards her pacifier), uh uh (uh oh), baby, pup, yes. On occasion, she has said a few more words that surprise me. Her vocabulary is really taking off! Eleri can also sign all done, more and milk. We are working on bath, help, please, thank you, and sorry. Eleri is taking 1-2 naps a day and I'm still rocking her to sleep if she doesn't fall asleep in the car on the way home from taking Mali to preschool. When we drop Mali off at preschool, Eleri fusses to get down and wants to be right in the middle of the rest of the preschoolers. Eleri also saw Sesame street yesterday for the first time and was enthralled with it! We love her to death! She is so sweet, loving and funny! She just has the perfect personality, and I'm doing it no justice with this blog. So, I'll leave you with some pictures of our sweet girl. One of her in the bath in her clothes, beautiful portraits that my good friend Naomi Jones took of her at the Arboreteum, and her birthday invitation.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


On our last day in the metroplex, we spent the morning at the Dallas Arboretum. We met another one of my good friends there so that she could take Eleri's one year portraits. It was pretty chilly and windy, but the kids had fun. Luke and Mali had a blast playing in the fountains, ponds and especially the pioneer homes. I can't wait to see Eleri's pictures and I'm so thankful for all of my wonderful wonderful friends that we got to see! Carrie is really an amazing friend and has greatly loved me and blessed me and grown me and pointed me towards God throughout our friendship! Thanks so much sweet, wonderful friends!

Zoo Train

Sunday morning, we decided to head to the zoo. We got to see lots of neat animals at the Ft. Worth Zoo. Mali and Eleri especially enjoyed the flamingos. The highlight had to be when Mali and Luke saw the ostrich run across its pen and Mali shouted "run away, run away" just like her LeapFrog TAG flashcards says, and proudly announced to me that the ostrich was going to wait for danger to pass. I'm glad she is learning!:) The kids also enjoyed seeing the different primates, kangaroos, penguins, bears, and bats. Sunday night, Carrie and I put our children to bed and enjoyed watching Mama Mia, but mainly talking. It was really fun to get girl time in and actually finish conversations we had started on Thursday!:)

Sweet Day

Day 2 was spent running some errands. We headed to a shopping center to buy last minute wedding presents and new shoes for Mali. Of course the one pair of shoes I bought had given her horrible blisters and I knew we wouldn't make it the rest of the weekend in those shoes. Thank goodness for SuperTarget. Mali picked out a pair of new shoes with only a minor meltdown. We also spent some time reading children's books at Borders. The sweet, peaceful time reading that Carrie and I had envisioned quickly turned into an "I want" session for my oldest. We did get to eat a nice lunch while Eleri napped in her stroller and then it was back home to rest. Carrie and I got lots of good talking time in. My girls did great at the McCulloughs and were so interested in all the new toys that they had. Carrie's kids napped and we caught up and swapped parenting ideas. It was so fun to see the differences in our children, no matter what we did as parents. Carrie's children are sweet, sensitive and introverts...and scared of my children!;) My sweet girls are loud, not as sensitive and extreme extroverts. This was cause for some tears, but overall they all got along great.
That afternoon, we loaded up my girls and Carrie and I drove to Andrea Brown's wedding. We had misread the invitation and ended up arriving an hour early for the wedding. Try keeping MY girls still for an extra, unplanned 30 minutes. Thanks goodness Carrie packed lots of snacks to occupy them. We were able to see Andrea before the wedding and give her pink donuts from Donut Stop. I'm curious to see how they tasted after being frozen and flown from Amarillo!:) Andrea looked absolutely beautiful. The wedding was beautiful and their video was so great! We weren't able to stay for much of the reception because, again, keeping my girls occupied is a little difficult in such a nice setting. And, yes, I did shut both girls inside the entry way between the outside glass doors and the inside glass doors. They LOVED it and laughed at each other and could be as loud as possible. We butted in line to watch Andrea and Matt cut the cake and then got a few pictures and lots of hugs before we had to head back to Carrie's! It was so sweet to watch their wedding, and see God's big plan and picture unfold!

Children's Museum

This past weekend, the girls and I took advantage of $25 tickets on Southwest and flew to the metroplex. We spent a great weekend with the McCullough family who graciously hosted us for our long weekend with them. Day 1, we ventured to the Ft. Worth Children's Museum. Luke and Mali had a great time running around and playing. Claire and Eleri spent time playing too, but mainly sat patiently in their strollers. The big kids had a great time digging for dinosaurs, until the wind blew the sand in everyone's faces and we rushed inside. Mali really enjoyed the pretend grocery store and doctor's office. They also played outside in the water and with the trains. Eleri enjoyed riding on the little car, just like the one she has at home, and helping Mali at the grocery store. We also took a ride on the trolley (the big kids' favorite part of the museum) and learned about cattle drives. It was a really fun museum and we were so glad that we were able to go.

Book Review-God's Little Princess Devotional Bible

God’s Little Princess Devotional Bible is a devotional Bible written by Sheila Walsh. Walsh is the author of the “Gigi, God’s Little Princess” book series. What little girl doesn’t dream of being a princess? Walsh points little princesses to their father the King of kings using princess like metaphors and language through the devotional Bible. My little princess was immediately drawn to this devotional Bible that is adorned with “jewels” and sparkles. This devotional Bible has special princess features that draw little princesses to God. Including, Down in my Heart, which is scripture memory. Beauty Secrets on not only how to look beautiful but how to be beautiful. The Bible Princess section features girls and women of the Bible that made a difference. My Hero features scripture promises from God, our ultimate hero. Take a Bow gives tips on how to make costumes and put on plays that are Bible focused. I Adore You features songs, scripture and ways to worship and praise God. Princess Charming teach manners, poise and charm. Worthy of Love shows ways to love your family, friends and those around you. Royal Truths teach basic values straight from the Bible. The devotional Bible also features Role Review, which provides more in depth questions that your little princess can answer after reading the Bible stories. The God’s Little Princess Devotional Bible is perfect for every little princess and will point her to the type of princess God desires her to be. The wording and features are geared towards young girls yet provide direction to even us mother’s as we read through the beauty tips and ways to praise God. Your little princess will certainly treasure this devotional Bible.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mali the songwriter

This is a long montage, so only watch if you are a relative!;) No really, this is very very cute. Mali made up her own songs and is playing her guitar. She even wrote "sheet music" and I have NO idea where she saw that, it is too cute though! Well, besides the times that she pushes, pinches or hits her sister for getting in the way, but maybe I cut all those parts out! I think Papa will be pretty proud of her!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Cadillac Ranch

For the first time since moving to Amarillo, we visited the Cadillac Ranch (an Amarillo landmark). Eric had intended on letting Shank run in the fenced area but there were some crazy cows. Eric spray painted the girls names’ and I attempted to take their pictures. Shank made friends with the cows. The cows were not happy when we tried to leave. One of them sort of charged after us and kept following Shank. Mali was screaming and crying and was terrified of these crazy cows. Thankfully, Eric finally shooed them away and we safely made it back to our car.


I absolutely value and love play. I love when my girls use their imaginations and just enjoy playing. Not playing a game or anything with structure, but just playing. For about a week, both girls played in this box that Eric’s grill came in. At first it was a house, a place for a picnic and then a place for all the stuffed animals that would fit and the girls to nap. That first night, Eric even allowed Mali to spend the night in the box. Then the box turned into more of a clubhouse. Mali used the handle holes as mailboxes. Mali wrote Papa, Mimi, Uncle Brandon, Shank, Aspen, Eleri, and her name all on the clubhouse. I’m not sure if that means they were all part of the exclusive club or what. I must have “broken her heart” (one of her newest exclamations) and that was why I wasn’t included! The girls both enjoyed and fought over time in the clubhouse. Mali had a few friends over that helped her decorate even more! Finally, the box saw the last of its days when Mali ripped up the “flooring.”

Sweet Kisses

Eleri has learned to blow kisses! It is so sweet! Did I mention this girl ALWAYS has crazy hair? So much for my post children decision to never have the unkempt children with wild hair, messy faces and snotty noses!

Jesus, Jammies and Donut Stop

Last Wednesday was "wear your pajamas" to school day! Mali enjoyed wearing her new jammies and slippers from Nana and Grandpa. She received SOOO many compliments and questions every where we went about where her boots came from and she replied "they came from Dalhart from my Nana and Grandpa". That morning, we also went to meet with one of the children's pastors at our church to discuss Mali's decision and future baptism. Of course, the not usually shy Mali clammed up and when she was asked if she had heard any stories about Jesus replied "no". That girl! When we got in the car, she told me "I was just kidding" and then shared with me that she wanted to be baptized because she wanted everyone to know that she had asked Jesus into her heart. We are still going to take the decision "slow" but every day she is asking me if today is the day that she gets to be baptized. It makes me wonder if this is the child like faith that Jesus wants us all to have. Yes, she may not know all the answers to who Jesus is or even stories about Him, but she KNOWS Jesus. Isn't child like faith supposed to be simple? Won't she spend the rest of her life learning about who Jesus really is, and through each circumstance learn a new character trait about who He is to her then? I know that I certainly have! This week in BSF, we both learned about how Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Mali and I have had some wonderful talks about Jesus because of this. She is able to really identify with this "name" of Jesus. We have talked about why Jesus died on the cross for us and if he was scared and how He wanted to obey his dad and how much he loved us by doing this and how it was God's great plan from the beginning. I really love and treasure the simple moments when we have these precious, eternal conversations...and they have been really frequent lately! I love this and know that these conversations push me into God's word more and more! I need to have His truth fresh on my mind to be able to answer her!
After our meeting and our little trip to see the baptistry, Mali, Eleri and I went to the Donut Stop and indulged in some yummy donuts. Mali had two pink with sprinkles donuts and Eleri certainly indulged in her choice of 10 donut holes!
And, aren't Mali's eyes beautiful in this picture? I didn't even do any photoshop editing for this one! Lately her eyes have just sparkled and been so brilliant!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eleri's latest video


I just wanted to ask for prayer as our family begins making big decisions. That God will lay out His plan before us and that we would obey. And that the plan would be clear and would work at according to what God has for us!

Not another book review

So, I just purchased this bible for Mali that is absolutely wonderful. I had to share it with whomever reads this blog and encourage you to get it! The language is so beautiful and all about drawing us to Jesus! This IS NOT a book review, just a great book I purchased.
This is a must get!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

If you come to my house...

-The toilet paper roll will be on the counter. It is supposed to be right there. Let Eleri in the bathroom for 2 seconds and you will quickly see why.
-You probably will not have a place to sit. Mali's stuffed animals will probably be having a picnic, slumber party or some other party.
-You will be locked in. I always lock and deadbolt the doors, it is just a "mom" habit.
-You will probably kick or trip on a toy. Just beware is all I can say.
-The dishes will be in the sink.
-The beds will not be made
-Mali will be wearing dress up clothes and will change at least four times while you are here.
-All I have to offer for snacks or drinks are puffs and diluted apple juice. (Unless you count the Dr. Pepper, but that is precious and will only be shared with friends who are getting little sleep as well!;))
-Someone will cry at some point
...and lastly, if you come to my house don't go in Mali's room!

I would NOT trade this stage and absolutely love it, I just have to laugh at how our home is!

Teething at 5?

So really this post is an excuse to post a cute picture of Mali! I'm loving the new things I've learned with my camera and photoshop (like I really have the time to be dabbling in these things, but its fun)
Anyway, Mali has been crying and complaining the last few days of her mouth hurting. She is pointing to the back of her gums, behind her teeth. After some google "research", we've learned that she could be getting molars! I really can't believe that we have two girls teething at once! A teething 5 year old is not nearly as easy to deal with

Walking AND talking???

Eleri said her first real word the other night..."baby". It was so cute. I just love her little voice. Several months ago, she had babbled "mamamama" and "dadadada" but this was clearly "baby" and was said as I pointed to a baby in her book. Eleri has also been aimlessly walking around the house and seems to follow Mali saying "may may". It is so sweet! She also has been making sounds in recognition of the puppies for a while now, and I think its the end sound of "py". I love just watching her little baby legs waddle all over the house. She does not stop walking, and just wanders around all day! This is a picture from my attempt at her 1 year (almost) photo shoot! It was NOT happening. Our sleepless nights have provided me with ample time to read up on some photography blogs and I've learned some fun things about my camera and photoshop that I had to implement! AND, the best news is that Eleri actually slept through the night last night. I think this is about her 10th full night of sleep in 11 1/2 months!!! Lets just hope it continues. Of course, I spent the night tossing and turning and praying for her safety since it is so strange to have her so quiet. And, I was wide awake at 5:30, go figure! I'll gladly take it all. I was some what tempted to get up and work out using our new Wii Fit...but I cuddled up in our warm covers and slept for another hour until Eleri did wake up.

And...this was my 400th post! Crazy, I might just overdo it a little!:)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Slumber party

Mali had her first sleepover on Sunday night. Her good friend Hallie is moving to St. Louis in about a week, and so Mali was invited over to spend the night. They enjoyed painting toe nails, playing dress up, eating dinner and cupcakes, and playing babydolls. They stayed up late and woke up early! Thank you Shonda and Rusty for loving on Mali and putting up with her 6:45am wake up call!!! The biggest surprise in all of it was she forgot her blankie and never even asked for it!!!

He Went to Jared

About a month ago, at the height of cheesy jewelry commercials, Mali informed me that she wanted a heart necklace and earrings from her Daddy and that he need to "go to Jared". Well, we purchased a $4 pair of earrings and heart necklace in dazzling cubic zirconium. Kisha lent Eric her Jared box, and then Eric gave it to Mali on New Year's Eve. She was very excited that Daddy "went to Jared" and has proudly announced this to all of her friends. And...yes she is only 5, and no he did not really go to Jared...he went to Wal Mart.:)

In case you don't know about He Went to Jared, this is a link to an older commercial

Ringing in the New Year

Well, I didn't actually ring in the New Year, unless you count being up with a crying baby at 12:04am as such. But we did celebrate by having Christmas #5 with The Hulseys (Kisha and Josh). The girls were blessed with great, fun gifts. Mali got a kid size laptop and Eleri got a roaring walker that entertained us all. The adults got great stocking stuffers to sustain our beauty needs throughout the rest of the year. I was fortunate enough to have Kisha draw my name and hence received some great clothes!

Looks who is walking

Eleri has really just taken off and is walking all over the place. She is still pretty cautious and oh so adorable!

Book Review-Fearless

We are currently living in a world of fear. Fear of flying, fear of terrorism, fear of H1N1, fear of what our children and grandparent will be exposed to, fear of not being loved, fear of loosing love, fear of not having health care coverage…and the list could go on. Max Lucado again presents an extraordinary book that confronts and convicts his readers. In Fearless, Lucado uses scripture to expand on the fears that we have, from the single person to parents, from the aging to the young. The subtitle of this book is “imagine your life without fear.” We area all fearful in one area or another, and Lucado uses this book to point out areas that we may not realize we even have fear. Lucado points out that Fear is the direct opposite of love. Lucado uses clear and convicting language to address these issues of fear. He does not offer prosperity preaching in this book, but offers truth about the issues that we deal with and face. Lucado points the reader to scripture and our relationship with God to encourage us to let go of our fear, since perfect love drives out fear. Fear can be a strong hold in life. I highly recommend this book to everyone and have since bought copies for friends and the accompanying devotional as well.

Book Review-The Sweet By and By

The Sweet By and By is a story written by Country singer, Sara Evans. The story is woven between two generations of women; Beryl and Jade, mother and daughter, self proclaimed hippie and disciplined business owner; both dealing with and learning about God’s forgiveness. As Jade’s wedding approaches, she must discover what forgiveness means and how she will allow her past to effect her future. Beryl must also approach the subject of forgiveness as she makes the decision of how to be involved in her daughter’s wedding. Beryl must also move through her past and into her future. Evans’ story is characteristic of a first novel, but still captivates readers as they engage in the personal stories of the two main characters. The Sweet By and By is a story that is deeply personal and one that many readers can relate to. Evan’s writing is engaging and simply southern. The reader is transported to the South in this book. This is not the type of book that I’m used to reading and was not drawn to this book based on Sara Evan’s celebrity. As far as a Christian novel goes, this book has hints of a God, but is not overly spiritually nor a novel that would enrich ones relationship with God. Overall, The Sweet By and By is a good read and kept me flipping pages as the stories of each woman intertwined and unraveled.