The first celebration of Christmas this season was our little family Christmas. We ordered Jason's Deli and watched Elf as we opened presents from each other and from Grammie. I read Luke 2, about Jesus' birth and why we celebrate Christmas. We got some great clothes from Grammie and Eric got some special gifts from his girls. Mali's big gift from Grammie were pink Legos. Eleri's big gift was a Busytown play center that she has really enjoyed and especially enjoyed watching Daddy assemble. Eleri was fascinated with the drill. Eleri also got a talking tea set that both girls have enjoyed playing with. Grammie got the girls lots of other great things including clothes. We got the girls hooded bath towels. Mali got a TAG reading system, Tinkerbell book, fleece dress pajamas, and a Dance Me Daddy Book to go along with her favorite song about her daddy. We got Eleri a walker/riding car that she has enjoyed, although I think she prefers to hold onto our fingers and walk around.
This was also the first time that we celebrated Santa coming. It was Christmas Eve Eve, but Mali didn't know the difference. She left out milk, cookies and a note to Santa. Santa came and filled the girls' stocking that night. Eric and I were both really tired from our trip to the cabin and it was hard to stay up to wait for Mali to fall asleep so we could load the stockings. The next morning, Mali awakened to open her stocking and dragged Eric out of bed to watch.
Mali looks a lot like Zena in the picture of Santa's milk and cookies.