Monday, December 14, 2009

The Nutcracker 2009

This year we again went to see The Nutcracker. Eleri had to join us and I would NOT recommend taking a 10 month old. It made me sad that Mali's favorite tradition was not so fun because of the addition of a sibling, but at the end of it all, I don't think she even noticed. Eleri screamed the first act, did a little dancing especially the drum, and then in Act II finally slept!! Mali LOVED it again this year. I think she is more and more in to it and excited every year. She oo-ed and ahh-ed and loved watching. She even said "how did they do that?" when The Nutcracker turned into the prince! It is so beautiful! Mali's favorite part, of course, was getting her picture taken with the Sugar Plum Fairy who was so sweet to Mali! Mali also got to take a picture with sweet Emma Green (and Eleri too). We saw Hanna and Lily, but were on the run from the mouse king. Mali was very afraid of the mouse King and so we didn't get as many pictures because she thought he was coming after her. We loved the Children's party and all the specialness of getting to meet the dancers. Mali "dreamed" all the way home about how one day she would dance in The Nutcracker!

1.Some of the dancers and most importantly the Snow Queen 2.Mali was afraid of the Mouse King in this picture 3.Mali and Eleri at the Nutcracker 4. The girls and Emma Green 5. Mali's favorite part with the Sugar Plum Fairy


  1. What a huge perk to having girls! I bet they will always remember that tradition and the girl bonding time!
