Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Here are pictures of the aftermath of Christmas. I love watching and hearing my girls play with all of their new toys. They were very blessed and very spoiled!:)
Eleri found one of Mali's candy canes, and enjoyed it thoroughly as you can tell. Mali finally received a Bumpit from Nana and Grandpa and couldn't wait to use it! And, both girls have enjoyed their big, hooded towels from Mommy and Daddy.

Eleri is 11 months old

Once again, time has flown by this last month. It is crazy to think last year at this exact time we were soooo ready to meet our new baby girl and now she has been growing with us for 11 months. Eleri is still such a joy. She is walking all over the place but is still a little unsure. Her favorite way to walk is holding on to my finger, and I love this, and just wish I had more free time to let her hold on! Eleri has four teeth now. Eleri is still not sleeping at night. I have "sleep trained" her (i.e. made her cry it out), but she still awakens. Mostly this is because of our travels and strange places that she has been sleeping. And let's not forget the sickness now! Eleri currently has tonsillitis, which has made for two really bad nights of not sleeping. I'm hoping to get her readjusted soon! However, her naps have finally become really good. The past few weeks, she has been taking two, two hour naps. This has allowed for some Mali time and for me to get some things accomplished during the day with more ease. Eleri also celebrated her first Christmas. I think she was pretty worn out and on the cusp of getting sick, but she seemed to enjoy the Holidays minus Santa's visit of course. Eleri has been throwing baby tantrums A LOT. She will scream and sort of flail her body. Mali never did this, so we are learning how to handle it. At the pediatrician yesterday, Eleri weighed 19.80lbs. She is still so cute and chunky. Eleri is generally a very happy baby. She is enjoying playing with Mali but will by all means let Mali KNOW when she wants her space (usually by screaming, sometimes by hitting or pulling Mali's hair.) One thing I really love about this stage is how much she is learning. She loves to point as of to ask "what's that?" Eleri can recognize 2D images of puppies too. Eleri also waves bye bye usig her whole arm. We love our sweet Eleri!

Oh thrill of hope, a weary world rejoices

Christmas celebration #4:
Sadly, I don't have any pictures yet from the White family Christmas. I left my camera at Eric's parents and knew that Terry would take better ones anyway. We had the White Christmas at 5pm Christmas night so that the most of us as possible could be there to celebrate together. Jordan and his family, our family, Megan (Chris had to work Christmas day at Starbucks), Brandon and Liza, Grandma Laverne, Big Nana, and Nana and Grandpa were all there. It was a full fun house!:) Terry made a yummy dinner and after we ate it was on to the stockings. The girls got lots of great things. Mali's favorite were her watch and fuzzy slipper cowgirl boots (that Eleri also has a pair to match). The girls also got some great matching fleece pajamas. We got a gift card to Pei Wei, lots of monogrammed items and home decorations, as well as our yearly calendars! I was wondering if Terry would get Eric a lab, weimar or vizsla calendar...she went with golf to be safe!:) We love our stockings. The girls got great gifts from their aunts and uncles and Grandpa and Nana! Mali got more pink legos, a dippin' dots maker, moon sand, a make your own stickers and tutu kits, TAG boooks, and some more style clothes. Eleri got a penguin ball bopper, a musical walker, a pink flip phone, megablocks, Leapfrog Fridge ABC's, and some soft stuffed animals. This is not an exhaustive list; and the girls loved everything!!! We are sooo very blessed and a little spoiled! I might just secretly hope that they make the naughty list next year....or Santa brings us a playroom!:) The highlight of the night HAD to be the visit from Santa. It was hilarious! Eric dressed up as Santa and brought gifts to each kid. He also took pictures with the Great Grandmas and Liza. Eleri was very scared of Santa, but Jove wasn't at all. We weren't sure if Austin was going to cry or was scared or what. We still aren't sure if the kids believed it was the real Santa, but when Eric returned the outfit the bottom of the costume was hanging out of the bag....and the cat was out of the bag for Mali. She said she knew it was "Eric" because Santa's voice sounded like "Eric". It was a fun memory. Here are some of Terry's pictures off of facebook, so they aren't high quality.

It is the Night of Our Dear Savior's birth

Christmas Celebration #3:
When we awoke Christmas morning, Santa had visited Papa and MeeMee Gomez's home. The girls opened their stockings. They got great things like socks, underwear, puffs, sippy cups and snack cups. Eleri received a basketball goal and telephone as her big gifts. Mali received a doll that you can change its hair and some stylish clothes. It was a nice Christmas morning! That afternoon, we celebrated with the whole Gomez family. Mali played with Eric's cousin's children while we were there.

The Stars are Brightly Shining

Night #2 of Christmas Celebration:
On Christmas Eve, we attended Eric's Grandma and Grandpa Hopson's Christmas Eve service in Dalhart. Afterwards, we went to their home, ate stew and opened gifts from them and Eric's aunt and uncle Lausch. The girls got more fun gifts. Eleri got a talking purse from the Lausch's and a fun spinning, talking ball from the great grandparents. Mali got a candy jewelry maker from the Lausch's (can you think of a more perfect gift?) and a Fancy Nancy book and sticker book from the great grandparents. It was a fun night. Eric enjoyed talking history with his grandpa. We missed all the other family that is usually there.

O Holy Night

Night #1 of Christmas:
The first celebration of Christmas this season was our little family Christmas. We ordered Jason's Deli and watched Elf as we opened presents from each other and from Grammie. I read Luke 2, about Jesus' birth and why we celebrate Christmas. We got some great clothes from Grammie and Eric got some special gifts from his girls. Mali's big gift from Grammie were pink Legos. Eleri's big gift was a Busytown play center that she has really enjoyed and especially enjoyed watching Daddy assemble. Eleri was fascinated with the drill. Eleri also got a talking tea set that both girls have enjoyed playing with. Grammie got the girls lots of other great things including clothes. We got the girls hooded bath towels. Mali got a TAG reading system, Tinkerbell book, fleece dress pajamas, and a Dance Me Daddy Book to go along with her favorite song about her daddy. We got Eleri a walker/riding car that she has enjoyed, although I think she prefers to hold onto our fingers and walk around.
This was also the first time that we celebrated Santa coming. It was Christmas Eve Eve, but Mali didn't know the difference. She left out milk, cookies and a note to Santa. Santa came and filled the girls' stocking that night. Eric and I were both really tired from our trip to the cabin and it was hard to stay up to wait for Mali to fall asleep so we could load the stockings. The next morning, Mali awakened to open her stocking and dragged Eric out of bed to watch.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Best Decision Ever

This past Sunday, December 20th, Mali prayed and asked Jesus into her heart. It has been a decision in the making, but she has told us several times that she had already asked Jesus to live in her heart. After talking with some of our friends, we decided that we were not going to hinder Mali from asking Jesus into her heart if that is what she was going to do. We also believe that choosing to walk with Jesus is a life long decision and some times a moment by moment choice, that this initial decision is so important but that throughout her life Mali will have to choose to serve the Lord. I did write Mali a personal letter of the details that took place that night, it was a sweet night as Eric, Mali, me and Eleri all gathered together at the cabin in Cuchara and prayed together amidst the beautiful Christmas lights glistening off of the snow. Jesus has washed Mali white as snow!!! In the coming months, she will take a baptism class at church and eventually will be baptized. I am sooo thrilled that she has made this decision and have been praying and greatly anticipating this day since I found out I was pregnant with her. I wanted to share scripture that we have read and believe as Mali has made this decision.
"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God--children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." John 1:12-13
"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17:3
"Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call." Acts 2:38-39
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile--the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 8:9-13

This decision of Mali's is solely by the grace of God. I'm so thankful that God has allowed her to make this initial decision and that He has allowed us to lead her to this decision. BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), The Clubhouse (Hillside's children's program), and all of the godly people that God's has placed in her life have led to this decision. I'm also thankful that she has made this decision despite all the wrong choices that I've made as a parent.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mali finally learned to ski

This past week, Mali learned how to ski after many failed attempts at actually getting her to Wolf Creek! She learned that her skis need to "make a pizza to stop and french fries to go and don't make them kiss because that's gross". I was so proud of her. Her instructor said that she did good. She was a little afraid to stop, forgot to put her hands on her hips and look up, but did really great. Mali was the first one in her class off of the magic carpet, but ended back at the Magic Carpet because she was scared to stop. Mali rode the lift chair and got off all by herself! Here are videos of her, please ignore the crazy mom excitement...I was just so proud!

Let's go skiing

We took the five year olds skiing for the first time. Zach, Calyn and Mali took all day lessons as Wolf Pups at Wolf Creek. They started out on the magic carpet, then moved to the small hill, and then moved to the Nova! They all did good, and finished the day with hot chocolate!

Winter trip

This past Monday through Wednesday, we ventured to Cuchara with our good friends the Dallas Family. It was an interesting trip with 3 five year olds, 1 two year old, 1 nearly eleven month old, and finally 1 three month old!!!!! Hopefully some neat memories were made admist the snowpacked roads, mouth injuries and tired kids! Mali loved sharing the cabin with her friends. I think the highlight was when Eleri and I pulled Zach, Calyn, Abby, and Mali on the sled behind the four wheeler. The kids spent time playing in the snow, making snow angels and just enjoying winter. We even all ate dinner at the Dog Bar.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Silent Night

Yesterday, Mali was listening to "Silent Night" and singing along. It was too cute, so I videoed her in the car while we were waiting for Eric at school. Then last night, we met the White family at Chickfila for dinner, and they were having a karaoke Christmas carol night. So, Mali sang Silent Night! It was tooooooo cute! I was very proud of her. And, she did it all by memory, because, of course, she can't quite read all of that!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Christmas Means...

This is what Mali drew that Christmas means to her. I have to admit, I was relieved that it didn't mean presents or candy. I'm curious about when they worked on these at preschool and wonder if it was around the time we bought our new tree or were decorating it. At any rate, Christmas trees are some what less materialistic, granted Mali didn't draw her family like a few of the other kids (specifically boys...only the boys drew their families, maybe they were all sitting together or maybe they are just mama's boys!;)). So, this made me think, what does Christmas mean to me and what do I hope to teach Mali and Eleri about the meaning of Christmas? Last night, we were able to go to Chris Tomlin's Glory in the Highest Christmas tour. Louie Giglio spoke and he pointed out that we have these expectations that Christmas be so great, but really it is crazy. We all have craziness at Christmas....from hurt to major problems. AND, the very first Christmas was very crazy! Louie pointed out that Mary was probably praying one thing "God, please don't let this baby come tonight, please let him wait until we get back home." But when DID God chose for Him to come....at the peak of craziness. That is what the meaning of Christmas is...that we need a Savior to save us from the craziness and that God sent Jesus as just that. Surely I can help Mali and Eleri see that I am in desperate need of a Savior. That daily I fail and that I hurt and that I just can't do it all on my own and that I'm in desperate need of Immanuel....God with me, to enable me and to help me through the craziness and to bring glory and honor to Him!

Christmas party

Yesterday was Mali's preschool Christmas party. They sang a few songs for us. I could only get one to upload though! I was so proud of Mali and she looked gorgeous in her new Christmas outfit. I actually let her open a gift early. It wasn't wrapped yet and she was having issues picking out clothing so I just gave it to her in a gift bag. Eric wasn't thrilled with my sudden change in Christmas habits. (I'm a pretty big stickler for following the rules of not opening gifts early). BUT, you have to admit she looked pretty cute!!! Eleri also dressed in a Christmas outfit for the party so I had to include a picture of her cuteness!


Tuesday night, MeeMee and Papa came down and watched the girls for us so that Eric and I could go on a much needed date (it may have been 2 years since our last date without kids). We really enjoyed the time to talk uninterrupted and just remember what it was like to date and enrich our marriage! It was wonderful, and I wouldn't have traded it.
However, when we got home MeeMee and Papa told us that Eleri had been walking all night. We just nodded our heads in agreement, until they told us she had been walking back and forth across the room!!!!!! So, Eleri decided to become fearless while MeeMee and Papa were with her! So far she hasn't walked that much for us. Here is a very short video of her walking.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thoughts about God

One thing that I LOVE about the Christmas season is how much time we spend talking about Jesus and God! Mali is super inquisitive during this time and it provides a great opportunity to teach her! Yesterday, as I was driving her to preschool, Mali said the following
Mali:"Is there a little piece of God in everyone?"
Mommy: "Yes, exactly Mali!"
Mali: "So, I have His hand and other people have other pieces of God in them?"
Mommy: "Well, we all have His spirit in us, that's the Holy Spirit that lives in us when follow Jesus and believe He is our Lord."
Mali:" So, I don't have a piece of His body just the Holy Spirit?"

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Nutcracker 2009

This year we again went to see The Nutcracker. Eleri had to join us and I would NOT recommend taking a 10 month old. It made me sad that Mali's favorite tradition was not so fun because of the addition of a sibling, but at the end of it all, I don't think she even noticed. Eleri screamed the first act, did a little dancing especially the drum, and then in Act II finally slept!! Mali LOVED it again this year. I think she is more and more in to it and excited every year. She oo-ed and ahh-ed and loved watching. She even said "how did they do that?" when The Nutcracker turned into the prince! It is so beautiful! Mali's favorite part, of course, was getting her picture taken with the Sugar Plum Fairy who was so sweet to Mali! Mali also got to take a picture with sweet Emma Green (and Eleri too). We saw Hanna and Lily, but were on the run from the mouse king. Mali was very afraid of the mouse King and so we didn't get as many pictures because she thought he was coming after her. We loved the Children's party and all the specialness of getting to meet the dancers. Mali "dreamed" all the way home about how one day she would dance in The Nutcracker!

1.Some of the dancers and most importantly the Snow Queen 2.Mali was afraid of the Mouse King in this picture 3.Mali and Eleri at the Nutcracker 4. The girls and Emma Green 5. Mali's favorite part with the Sugar Plum Fairy