Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Half way there

I'm 20 weeks pregnant and half way there! I can not believe it. Part of me wants time to slow down, we still have so much to do, like name this baby girl!!!!! I'm also excited to meet her, but realize 4 months is still a ways away, we still have football season, Mali's 4th birthday and Christmas all in between now and then.
I had my regular OB appointment today and it went great. Baby Girl's heart rate was at 156 and I measured on target this time. I also managed to gain 6 lbs (yeah for breakfast tacos!!!:)) I discussed c-section versus VBAC a little with my OB but haven't made a definite decision. I think Eric prefers I just have the c-section, so we'll see what we decide in about 4 months.
Mali is still adjusting as well as I could expect or ask for. Last night she started crying because I took the diaper changing table out of her room (several months ago to make way for better big girl storage). She told me "now the baby doesn't have a place to sleep. Her baby bed needs to go there." Mali really wants to share a room with her sister! It makes me happy and I'm beginning to pray for their relationship and bond as sisters. I know it is such a privilege to have two daughters and watch this unique bond grow and form.
I'm doing well. I can tell I have more energy but still need an afternoon nap and early bedtime, but it is nice to have the energy to walk down the street with Mali while she rides her bike. I'm trying to be very intentional with the one on one time that I'm getting my Mali and Eric in these last few months. Our lives are pretty crazy though!
I'm also so thankful for how God has brought us to this point and how wonderfully gracious he has been to us. To be a "normal" OB patient is so wonderful!
Baby Girl is doing good and moving away. I think I have to take back what I said about her not being as active, because she is pretty active off and on. It is wonderful and I'm very blessed to experience her little movements.


  1. Yah for a healthy baby and a smooth pregnancy! Praying for you!

  2. So glad things are going so well with your pregnancy! I also love the new blog look. :-)

  3. It sounds like you are doing so well to prepare for baby girl. I can't believe you are 20 weeks already!
