Monday, September 29, 2008

Baby Girl's name

We have finally decided on our second daughter's name. Her name is going to be ELERI CATE. This name fit the best with what we wanted and had meaning. Of all our other potentials, this name was the only one with meaning. Eleri means "cheerful" and Cate means "pure." Hopefully this name is a fit for her! I'm glad to have a name and be able to call her a name and not just baby or baby girl or baby sister!:)

Friday, September 26, 2008


Let me just brag about my his first year as the head freshman football coach at Amarillo High (a 5A school) his team is 5-0...yes undefeated and going strong. I wish I knew total points scored for every game, because not only have they won, but the last few games Amarillo High has scored at least 40 points against the other team. Way to go Coach Gomez!!!!!:)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Latest Video of Mali

Here is the latest video of Mali. I love that she is starting to grasp spiritual truths and is in a place where she loves going to "The Clubhouse" and BSF and learning about Jesus. Nothing makes me happier or filled with more joy than to see her beginning this relationship with Jesus.

p.s. I'm THRILLED I finally got a video to upload!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Half way there

I'm 20 weeks pregnant and half way there! I can not believe it. Part of me wants time to slow down, we still have so much to do, like name this baby girl!!!!! I'm also excited to meet her, but realize 4 months is still a ways away, we still have football season, Mali's 4th birthday and Christmas all in between now and then.
I had my regular OB appointment today and it went great. Baby Girl's heart rate was at 156 and I measured on target this time. I also managed to gain 6 lbs (yeah for breakfast tacos!!!:)) I discussed c-section versus VBAC a little with my OB but haven't made a definite decision. I think Eric prefers I just have the c-section, so we'll see what we decide in about 4 months.
Mali is still adjusting as well as I could expect or ask for. Last night she started crying because I took the diaper changing table out of her room (several months ago to make way for better big girl storage). She told me "now the baby doesn't have a place to sleep. Her baby bed needs to go there." Mali really wants to share a room with her sister! It makes me happy and I'm beginning to pray for their relationship and bond as sisters. I know it is such a privilege to have two daughters and watch this unique bond grow and form.
I'm doing well. I can tell I have more energy but still need an afternoon nap and early bedtime, but it is nice to have the energy to walk down the street with Mali while she rides her bike. I'm trying to be very intentional with the one on one time that I'm getting my Mali and Eric in these last few months. Our lives are pretty crazy though!
I'm also so thankful for how God has brought us to this point and how wonderfully gracious he has been to us. To be a "normal" OB patient is so wonderful!
Baby Girl is doing good and moving away. I think I have to take back what I said about her not being as active, because she is pretty active off and on. It is wonderful and I'm very blessed to experience her little movements.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Most of you that know me, know that I'm not content to just sit back and wait, and so since we surprisingly found out we were having a girl, we've been tossing names around. So far we have two potential (for now until we hear another we like) and Eric wanted me to put a poll on our blog for votes on these names. BUT, I wanted to describe the names for everyone so that you would know how they are pronounced and give room for comments to be made about the names. So leave your comments here, and vote too!
I was also given instructions to not disclose whose name is whose, one is my choice and one is Eric's choice:

Name 1:
Curi Jane (or some form of that). Curi pronounced Curry (like the spice). This was our boy name but we are tossing it around as a girl name.

Name 2:
Eleri Cate (or some form of that) Eleri is pronounced like Mallory but with an E, or Ellory.
Eleri Jane

I'm not a huge fan of Jane as a middle name, but our first date we went to see G.I. Jane so we thought that would add some significance, cheesy as it may be.

Anyway, leave your comments (Tim Dallas I'm waiting for your very honest perspective that you promised me) and vote!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Two Princesses

Last night, we were de-briefing (finally) as a family and talking with Mali about having a girl. Eric told Mali "now I will have two princesses", which I think sums up pretty well what the composition of our household will be like.
I went into the sonogram prepared for them to say that it was a boy, Eric had thought it was a boy, and many other people thought so too. Really, the only one that was verbal about feeling otherwise was Mali. She has called it her baby sister from the beginning. So, we were a little shocked that it was a girl. There is absolutely nothing there, so 100% certain that it is NOT a boy, and that it will not change again. As soon as we could see her little bottom on the screen, I knew and Eric knew, that it was not a boy. We had a boy name and had not discussed girl names at all, so we will be keeping our ears open for the perfect name for our second princess. We don't have to buy hardly anything, just a crib for the baby, so that is a relief. Eric has described finding out it is a girl as being relieved. He said that there was already so much pressure if it was a boy, would it be a good athlete, would it look like a "White", etc., so he feels relief in that area. Also, we may not be done now, which is okay with me (even though my pregnancies are difficult). I've always thought the idea of three kids sounded right, but who knows what God has planned. I'm ready to find a name and pick out bedding/nursery theme, but it is football season and Eric has too many decisions on his plate already, so we may have to wait a few months. It might drive me crazy, but I'll survive. Its funny, because I don't feel like I can pick out bedding until I know her name!
Other than the surprise (side note: who says you aren't surprised when you find out before the delivery:)), the baby is doing great. She was very active. The sonographer asked "which one of you is so active?" We both said "the big sister". As if she couldn't tell, as Mali was crawling all over me, up and down from the chair, kissing me, getting in my face, etc., etc. So it doesn't seem as if we'll get any relief from an active baby. We are so thrilled that she is healthy. Everything looked great and measured perfect. She is currently 9 ounces. I'm curious how big she will be, bigger than Mali or smaller. Judging by my bulging belly (I was JUST showing with Mali at this point),I'm wondering if she will be bigger. We just feel so overwhelmingly blessed that this pregnancy is going so wonderfully right now and is so great. I'm feeling better and haven't been sick, really, since 15 weeks. I'm a little tired, but that is just life and we can deal with that!
Mali is still doing pretty good with the transition. I am praying for this and for a close bond between her and her sister. Right now she has become a little more clingy at bedtime, but she still talks about what she is going to teach her baby sister and what she is going to share with her. We'll see about the reality of it all.
My due date is still about the same, February 4th (I'm 19 weeks). But if we do a c-section, it will just be scheduled late January.
I know there are so many thoughts running through my head off and on about the reality that this is a baby girl, but for now this is all I can think of. We are excited, it is amazing to think that this is how God planned our family from the beginning. Two girls....two princesses!

Baby Girl at 19 weeks:

Belly at 19 weeks:

The sonographer also turned some pictures 3D but said that it wasn't really made for this age because the baby has no fat on it, so this is one of the best ones, but she doesn't look too cute.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We are having a....

Just quickly wanted to share what we found out at our sonogram today. I will blog/post pictures later when I'm done seeing clients (I'm waiting on one now).

64% of you that voted were wrong....


And yes, Eric is okay, he is getting over the shock but we are both happy for a healthy, very active, baby girl and trust that God knows the best fit for our family.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


We are so blessed by our friends. I couldn't have asked for a better set of friends for Mali. We took a quick, last minute trip to Lubbock to watch Eric's team play Coronado (It was a great game, and good win) and to visit our friends. Here are some pictures:

Zachy, Mali and Calyn at the football game. Grandma (Dallas) and Tim and Baby Abby Gray are in the background too.\
Just the girls left at the game cheering for the Sandies. After the game, Calyn took a nice little lap around the track and patiently waited for Mali to catch up.

Bowling! Look at these sweet friends holding hands. For those of you that don't know, in our church group there were five babies born all at about the same time. Jackson Hill (Angie and Graham's son) is on the left, he just turned 2 and wasn't born with the others, but fit right in. He is such a cutie! Then it is Mali, Zach, Calyn, and Tracen. Tracen is the oldest then Mali and then Zach and Calyn (born just 10 days apart) We also enjoyed a crazy, fun lunch at Chick Fil A before we had to come home to Amarillo.
Unfortunately this is not the best picture, thanks to my lovely daughter. Angie and Jackson and Me and Mali. Angie and I have known each other about 10 years. She was so wonderful to me first in welcoming me in the Davis' Sunday School class, and then we shared our first apartment together before she married Graham. She is so amazing, sweet, laid back (everything I'm not) and was a wonderful roommate. God really used her to shape some gentle and quiet spirit and good qualities into me! Thanks for being a great roommate Angie, and a great friend the rest of these years. And we just love sweet Jackson!

And in case you can't tell, I'm having picture posting issues lately, sorry. Hope you follow along with the captions anyway.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I knew I needed to blog about this, because one day I will want to remember, just like I recently flipped through Mali's baby book to read about her movements. This baby has been moving for a couple of weeks, but really little movements. It did start out like bubbles again, just like with Mali. Probably this last week (17 weeks), I've really noticed that it IS the baby. This baby does not seem to move as much as Mali, which could be really nice. However, I could also be too busy to really take time to notice it. Pretty much, if I'm still, I'm asleep! Also, the baby is really low and the movements, right now, are really low. Another thing I've noticed with this baby, is that (wait just felt a little movement, how funny!!!) is that if I try to sleep curled up, I feel it moving. So, my perception of this (that I shared with Eric) is that to me it seems that the baby is almost saying "give me some space mom, don't cramp me!" Which, would be a baby more like its momma that needs her space. Mali does not need her space and from the beginning in the womb, was constantly moving and touching me. She is the same way now. I love my cuddle bug in Mali, but I wonder if this baby will need its space a little more! The countdown is here for our next sonogram ( 8 days), and when we find out the gender of this baby. We are ready to know, or think we are ready to know!:)