Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Sadly, Squishy (the Beta Fish) has passed away. In one of Mali's wild-I-didn't-take-a-nap moments, she pulled her chair over to her cabinet, climbed up and grabbed the fish food off of the top shelf (that I thought was out of reach) and poured the remaining food into Squishy's tank. I told her that much food would kill Squishy and she responded "look, he's not dead" and informed me of the same this morning. The stinch has been bad, but I've been putting off cleaning it because I didn't want to throw up doing so, and Eric's been busy with two-a-days (granted this just happened yesterday). After running Mali's bath water and going to summon her but finding her crashed on the couch at 7pm, I discovered that Squishy was dead. I'm not sure what her response will be in the morning when she finds out that he is dead! But he did last about 2 1/2 months, which is better than I predicted! I think this is a great opportunity to tell her about natural and logical consequences...over feed fish, he WILL die.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh...sometimes the best lessons in life are learned by natural consequences! So sorry for your loss. :-)
