Saturday, August 30, 2008

Our crazy week!

This week was the kick off of the season of craziness! What an adjustment this new season of life is going to be, I just hope I can learn to view it positively and not run around crazy constantly, because then I know it won't be enjoyable for any of us. Monday, Mali started gymnastics. She seemed to really like it and enjoyed being in class with her friend Calee. I could peek in during the class, and she seemed to be following directions most of the time. I was just relieved that she wasn't the little girl running crazy, crying for momma or doing her own thing this time! Mali is still doing ballet around the house and every where else for that matter, but I think she is going to have a lot of fun. That night, we had preschool Open House from 6:30-7:00 and Mali got to make her own birthday crown and see her room. She couldn't wait to play with the shopping cart and see Mrs. Knapp the next day. But we had to rush to Amarillo High for the Meet the Players night. It was crazy, but we made it there on time. Mali did ballet in the aisle and raised her hand when Coach Thiessen asked members of the Freshman Gold and Black teams to raise their hands. She was close to right, because those are the teams Daddy coaches. Mali also "whoo hoo-ed" for the boys as they were announced. I was embarrassed, but the other coach's wives cheered her on. Eric was announced as the head freshman coach and we are so proud of him! He's doing a great job, although it is a little more stressful for him. Mali finally got into bed at 9:30 that night for her first day of preschool, but seemed to do okay with that. I've already blogged about Tuesday, her first day. Her second day of preschool was a little harder. She had a hard time getting ready for the day and we had a battle about brushing her hair, but surprisingly, we made it to school on time. On the way, she wanted to hold my hand, and was a little more clingy once we got to her room. Once the other kids got there, she got down and played. The moms stayed around for a while and we watched them circle up on their carpet squares and sing the wiggle song. Mali said "Mom, why are you still here?" So I laughed, and left. She came running after me crying. I calmed her down and reassured her that I would be back. On the way back to her square, she ran right into the bookcase, causing more tears and drama, but Mrs. Knapp took care of her and she survived day 2 of preschool. She did tell us that she got in trouble again, but the teacher didn't say anything to me. Wednesday mornings will be a special day for her because Daddy is going to start taking her to preschool on those mornings. Eric doesn't have a class until 10am, so he will take her and get extra special daddy/daughter time. Wednesday night was a little crazy for us. I saw clients and Eric had Mali. She was so out of control all night, and acting like a different little girl. We aren't sure if she was trying super hard to get attention or if she picked up some bad behaviors at preschool (although none of the kids appear to be bad influences like that.) It is sad to think that her personality is now going to be shaped by so many outside influences. Hopefully she gets used to preschool and doesn't act crazy all the time. Thursday was a pretty relaxed day for us. Mali and I had a Chick Fil A date. I was trying to get her worn out so she would actually take a nap, that was another guess as to why she was acting so crazy. It didn't work, but she did fall asleep at 6:45 sitting on the couch with me, which made for a long night. Eric had his first game and they beat Plainview at Plainview...way to go Sandies! I think the score was like 42-6 or something great like that. What a relief to win! When I was saying good night to Mali she asked where daddy was and I told her at the football game, to which she responded "but its dark!" I told her that they had big lights so the boys could see to play. Daddy made it home about 9:30 and so Mali got some special late night time with him! Friday morning, I woke up looking forward to a day of nothing and staying in pajamas! About 9:15, Eric texted me that there was a Pep Rally at 9:50am and to be there early...soooo we quickly got ready and went up to Amarillo High. It was pretty overwhelming and very much for the students, so I'm not sure how often we'll make it a habit. Mali enjoyed some of it, but covered her ears during the loud cheering. She said she liked the music the best. Mali "sings" the fight song around the house. Finally, last night was the kick off to Friday night football. We played Randall who beat us last year and is part of a big out of district rivalry (they are another district in Amarillo). The game started at 8pm,. Mali and I made it until a little after 10pm (because she finally took a nap yesterday!) Eric got home about midnight from the game and we had won. I ended up being sick most of the night. I think I just did too much and my body was exhausted. Then Eric had to get up at 4am to drive to Lubbock to trade film! He got home about 9am and has been sleeping ever since. Other than a birthday party this afternoon, we are looking forward to doing nothing in the next few days. It seems like this will be the course of most of our weeks, so prayers are always appreciated!:) I'm hoping to have a positive attitude and teach Mali to go with the flow and enjoy what we can enjoy when we can enjoy it! Sorry for the super long post, just wanted to update everyone. THIS is why I'm not emailing back right now!:)


  1. I cannot believe how big Mali looks! All of the sudden she LOOKS like a preschooler!!! She's just beautiful and I know her little heart is just as beautiful! It's so tiring to read your must be exhausting for you guys --- and super fun!

  2. Gosh, that was a busy week. It's hard to imagine that most of your weeks will be like that for a while now. But like you said,it's a great lesson for Mali to learn early, just go with the flow. The pictures were great! Mali is looking so grown up! How awesome that she was so well behaved for gymnastics! She really is growing up! I hope you're starting to feel a little better! We're so proud of all three of you! :o) And congrats to Eric on the win!
