Friday, August 15, 2008

The day is fast approaching

We have approximately one week before Mali starts preschool, okay so I really know the countdown...6 week days left of what we know as normal. I'm not sure I'm ready but at the same time I'm excited for what she will learn. I see this as part of life and just a transition we need to make, and the unknown is always what is hard. This afternoon her preschool teacher, Mrs. Knapp, came over for a home visit to meet Mali. It went so great and I'm so thankful that God gave Mrs. Knapp to us as Mali's teacher. She seems to be wonderful for Mali. I really think it will help Mali warm up to the idea of preschool. Mali will have 8 other kids in her class, 4 of which will turn 4 before December too. That makes me relieved to know she will have others at her level. Mrs. Knapp also talked about how she will be a leader and God knew what birthday to give her, amen to that! I did, however, have to fight back tears (that is hard to admit on the WWW., but I am pregnant:)) Mrs. Knapp read a book to Mali about going to preschool and at the end it said "mommies always, always come and pick us up." If I'd been alone the tears wouldn't have stopped. I am excited, I keep typing that, maybe I'm trying to convince myself, but I am unsure of what life will be like now and afraid of how hectic it may get with gymnastics, preschool, BSF, and two football games all jammed into one week. Life is just about adjustments and I'm praying that I will learn and know what it means to be the best mom during this season of Mali's life! It doesn't mean what it used to!
I just needed to share my feelings and hesitations! I have been trying to upload two really cute videos of Mali, so we'll see if that happens, stay tuned!


  1. How very cool that her teacher came to your home to visit her first! Sounds like she is in very good hands. :-) I can't imagine how hard that would be...I am shedding a few tears myself just because I have to put Jazz in a wonderful in-home day care for two days a week this semester! Ah the changes of being mommy!

  2. I will be wonderful for you and Mali, even though those first few days may be an adjustment. Having kids is all about letting go...even if we have to learn that over and over and over and over! :)

  3. Hey Brie! First of all, congratulations on being pregnant! I haven't seen you since you found out! How exciting! Second, thank you for giving Kristie my name. After praying about it all weekend, I have decided that I don't think I'm the person for the job. I want her son to have the perfect person that God has in mind, and if I was to do it, I think I would just be trying to make it work, and we all know how that ends up. :) But thank you for thinking of me! And if anything else like that comes up again, please, don't forget about me!
    Again, congratulations!
