Saturday, June 21, 2008

BIG Girl

Last night Mali had a little night out on the town planned by her Daddy. First, Eric bought her a big girl set of make up. Then we headed to the mall, and Mali got a summer haircut (she said she wanted to look like Mommy). The night was topped off with Mali getting her ears pierced. She was so excited and chose pink earrings. Poor girl was so tough too. She just sort of shrugged when they pierced her ears and then held it in. She got a little angry and didn't want any one to look at her or see her crying, but didn't scream or bawl like I thought she might. On the way home, she said "it hurt just a little bit". She is one tough 3 year old! Eric has wanted Mali's ears pierced for a while now and I said that I wanted her to ask for her it and to be her choice and responsibility. Well, a few months ago she asked for it. Then I asked Eric if we could wait until maybe we had another baby and it could be her big sister rite of passage. So Eric did not waste any time!
Here is our beautiful girl:

Pictures of the evening on our flickr:


  1. She's precious! I am a little nervous about Calyn getting the same idea once she sees Mali.

  2. How precious is she!! She's growing up to be such a beautiful little girl! Eric better watch out for those boys...

  3. Hey Brie, what a great idea, and she looks great! Congrats on the little one and keep us posted on your progress~ miss you all

  4. Wow! She is such a big girl! I can't believe she did so well and didn't really cry! She does look older with that haircut and the pierced ears. What a fun day for her! That's cute that she wanted her hair to look like yours!
