Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Have a mentioned....

Eric and I are going to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada! I'm sooooo excited! We will leave in 10 days. We have tickets to Women's Snowboardcross on the 16th and then the Victory Ceremony that night. I can not wait to spend this time (alone) with my husband and to experience this once in a lifetime opportunity with him. We will be leaving the girls, which will be hard and sad, but will be worth it! And if I didn't mention it, this is what I asked for as my 30th birthday present! I have always been a huge Olympics fan. So much so that Mali has been asking me if Shaun White is ok (he fell on a half pipe run in the X games), she even prayed for him today on the way to preschool! Yeah for going, and not for turning 30!!!

1 comment:

  1. So awesome!!! I'm jealous and excited for you! :-) Have a wonderful time full of memories!
