Mali has officially entered the "why?" stage of development. It is pretty cute sometimes, but I often have to pray for patience and remind myself that this is her way of learning. Usually the frustrating part is when my answer to her why isn't good enough for her. The other night, we went through about 9 why's at bedtime. She had asked me to hang up a decoration on a nail up high on her wall, so I used her little girl chair and fell off of it. That was the start of the whys:
Mali: Why did you fall?
Me: Mommy made a bad choice by standing on that chair.
Mali: Why did you make a bad choice?
Me: Because you aren't supposed to stand on those chairs.
Mali: Why?
Me: Because you can fall.
Mali: Why?
Me: Because they aren't made for standing on, just for little girls to sit on.
Mali: Why are they made that way?
Me: (This is the answer that usually ends the whys, and I use it a lot, usually more thruthfully than this time) Because God made it that way.
Mali: Why?
Me: That is how he decided chairs should be made.
Mali: And God made animals, and Aspen and Asa, and Mali and Mommy and Daddy, and our house.
Me: He did.
Mali: Who made God?
Me: (I'm in shock as I wasn't expecting this at 3, maybe later, but not at 3.) God.
Mali: (this was said VERY skeptically) God made himself??
Me: Yep.
Mali: God made himself?
Me: He made himself.
Mali: Oh. Night night, I love you!
This whole time Eric was hiding behind the couch to scare me as I walked back to our room, and he was laughing so hard. I can only imagine how funny the whole ordeal sounded, especially when I fell off the chair.