Saturday, June 21, 2008

BIG Girl

Last night Mali had a little night out on the town planned by her Daddy. First, Eric bought her a big girl set of make up. Then we headed to the mall, and Mali got a summer haircut (she said she wanted to look like Mommy). The night was topped off with Mali getting her ears pierced. She was so excited and chose pink earrings. Poor girl was so tough too. She just sort of shrugged when they pierced her ears and then held it in. She got a little angry and didn't want any one to look at her or see her crying, but didn't scream or bawl like I thought she might. On the way home, she said "it hurt just a little bit". She is one tough 3 year old! Eric has wanted Mali's ears pierced for a while now and I said that I wanted her to ask for her it and to be her choice and responsibility. Well, a few months ago she asked for it. Then I asked Eric if we could wait until maybe we had another baby and it could be her big sister rite of passage. So Eric did not waste any time!
Here is our beautiful girl:

Pictures of the evening on our flickr:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I need a case of Reed's Ginger Beer

"Behold, children are a gift from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward" Psalm 127:3
I read this verse while doing my bible study the other morning and God seemed to speak it over me and give me confidence in the reward that will come from the fruit of my womb. Little did I know that there was "fruit" growing in my womb. To cut to the chase, I'm pregnant. No, I was not cleared to get pregnant, and NO we were not attempting to get pregnant, but it has been 10 months since my d&C, 12 1/2 months since the miscarriage, and 14 months since I found out I was pregnant the last time. And, God in His faithfulness and blessing to our family has created a new, healthy little baby in HIS timing. Today I had a sonogram to make sure that I was pregnant and that it was healthy. Even though I am only at 6 weeks, there was a clear baby (well blob) with a rapidly moving heart beat (138 bpm). All moms and dads know how reassuring and wonderful it is to look at that screen and see the heart beating. We also got to hear the heart beat. The sonographer was the same one who did my molar pregnancy sonogram so she knew what to look for. We both are not naive in thinking that this means we are in the clear, but the first step is knowing that there is a healthy baby growing inside of me. So we feel okay sharing this with others, that I am pregnant, and that this is a baby. We trust completely in what God has in store for us and this baby. The tentative due date is February 9th, 2009, 13 months after my last due date. Praise God for this miracle, that Eric says is a boy. Mali is calling it a girl and wants to name it Abby Gray (Just like Zachy and Calyn's sister). Mali has been sweet about it today and just came in and "scratched" my belly saying she was tickling the baby. I'm surprised by her sweetness as well as Eric's loving care. He ran to the store to get me a six back of Reed's ginger beer (it is NOT alcoholic, just like ginger ale), but once again I'm having all day sickness and Reed's helps tremendously. Thanks for all of your prayers and support. I will keep updating our blog on our status, as I'm a little tired and sick and probably will not be good at checking my email. This certainly has been a journey and I'm amazed at where we stand today!
Brie, Eric, and Mali and baby

Father's Day 2008

Here are some of the highlights of this year's Father's Day:

Mali wrote Eric's name on his Father's Day card and then also wrote D A D. She wrote the E i and C (backwards) on her own and I showed her how to write an 'r'. I showed her DAD on the card and she copied it perfectly. We are so proud of our growing up little girl! It is in the left hand corner of the card.

We went to eat lunch at La Fiesta, and Mali drew her first drawing. Are you proud Aunt Zina???

That evening when it got cooler (ummm 103???), Eric took Mali to the golf course to play golf as a Father's Day tradition. Hole #1, Mali wanted to swim. Hole #2, Mali needed to pee (and as any good dad would do, she squatted on the golf course). Hole #3, Mali was hungry....and Eric lost his cool and left. But she did look adorable in her Titleist hat and with her pink Barbie golf balls.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

10 Year Reunion

bottom: Tracy Miller Leonardi, Michael Mattivi, Brie White Gomez
top: Selene Cooper Sullivan, Kelli Robinson, Damion Ziemba, Anne Zwicky Belk, Bryanna Durkee, Debbie Wilbur Long, Chena Ricker Kline.

This past Saturday, June 7th, was my 10 year reunion with the Ouray Class of '98. There were about 3 of us that went to school with the class for years but actually left before our senior year, but we were lucky enough to be included in the reunion. I actually feel much more like this is my "class" than I do about Dalhart. 10 people from our class and their significant others came to the reunion (out of 20), plus 2 showed up after work to hang out with the others. It was so fun to just hang out and see every one. In the past 10 years, I've seen a few of these classmates but we haven't gotten to hang out. Of those that came to the reunion, there were 3 children all girls, that also came; Mali, Ashley Leonardi and Zara Kline (she was only 4 weeks old.) Every one looked great and seemed to be doing well in their lives. There were classmates that came that still live in Ouray and then those that came really far; from Boston and Seattle. One of my favorite things about the reunion was that three of our teachers showed up to say "hi". Mr. Mort (History teacher that was very hard), Mrs. Rushing (English and Journalism teacher) and Mrs. Nixon (our 4th grade teacher, librarian at some point and director of all the plays) all came. It was fun to talk with them and catch up. I got to talk to Mr. Mort for a while and thank him for making me work so hard and preparing me so well for college!:) He seemed glad to catch up too as he thought I had just disappeared to Texas!!
I also got some extra time with two of my good friends that I've kept in contact with, Anne and Debbie, in the days before the reunion. I loved taking Mali to the places that I went as a kid. We hiked to Cascade Falls and Baby Bathtubs (which Mali really enjoyed) and also took Mali to the Hot Springs Pool for the first time. Mali got some good "Grammie time" too and enjoyed being spoiled and loved on by Grammie, Zina and Great Grandma Lahr all weekend.
I will add more pictures to our Flickr hopefully soon.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Mali has officially entered the "why?" stage of development. It is pretty cute sometimes, but I often have to pray for patience and remind myself that this is her way of learning. Usually the frustrating part is when my answer to her why isn't good enough for her. The other night, we went through about 9 why's at bedtime. She had asked me to hang up a decoration on a nail up high on her wall, so I used her little girl chair and fell off of it. That was the start of the whys:
Mali: Why did you fall?
Me: Mommy made a bad choice by standing on that chair.
Mali: Why did you make a bad choice?
Me: Because you aren't supposed to stand on those chairs.
Mali: Why?
Me: Because you can fall.
Mali: Why?
Me: Because they aren't made for standing on, just for little girls to sit on.
Mali: Why are they made that way?
Me: (This is the answer that usually ends the whys, and I use it a lot, usually more thruthfully than this time) Because God made it that way.
Mali: Why?
Me: That is how he decided chairs should be made.
Mali: And God made animals, and Aspen and Asa, and Mali and Mommy and Daddy, and our house.
Me: He did.
Mali: Who made God?
Me: (I'm in shock as I wasn't expecting this at 3, maybe later, but not at 3.) God.
Mali: (this was said VERY skeptically) God made himself??
Me: Yep.
Mali: God made himself?
Me: He made himself.
Mali: Oh. Night night, I love you!

This whole time Eric was hiding behind the couch to scare me as I walked back to our room, and he was laughing so hard. I can only imagine how funny the whole ordeal sounded, especially when I fell off the chair.