Thursday, January 31, 2008

Quote of the day

With a three year old, there are many great quotes that come from her little brain, but today has been an exceptional day. Here is the best one "Mom, Cinderella goes potty too". Just had to share a fun moment from our day.

Snow Day

Today was the first snow that Mali has been able to play in this winter, we always seem to be leaving town when it snows and she can't enjoy it. So after BSF and lunch, I put her in all her snow gear. Yes, the snow gear wasn't completely neccessary but it makes playing in the snow and cold wind so much more fun. Mali enjoyed running and jumping in the snow drifts, or the grass, whatever it happened to be, laughing, making snow angels, and finally ended her play time with about 15 minutes of eating the snow!:) She had a great time and it was so fun to watch my daughter enjoy the outdoors. Here is one picture of her smiling away, see our website of pics for more

Results from 1/20/2008

I (and my body I guess) have started the new year out well, my results from January's hCG test were negative. I'm almost 6 months from the initial drop in hCG levels (after the D&C). Next month will certainly be a significant test, as after 6 months of negative levels the recurrence of the molar pregnancy is very low!! Thanks for your continued prayers!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

6 months out

We have now been living in Amarillo for 6 months. On July 13th, 6 months ago, we closed on our house in Lubbock. Last night I was thinking about that day and remembering how gloomy and even surreal it seemed. I still can “feel” what it felt like to close on our house, drive down 82nd, and then drive up I-27. I remember reminding myself that this was it, we were leaving, and some what saying my good byes to the scenery, buildings, exits that I had passed for the last nine years.
As gloomy as that day was, our transition to life in Amarillo honestly has not been gloomy. I know that God has blessed us and taken care of us and kept us under His wing. Of course life is not perfect, and a new place has new problems of its own, but it has been okay…actually I almost typed good but then hesitated because I don’t want to admit that Amarillo is good, but the truth IS that it is good and we are good.
I also wanted to reflect on the good things that have come out of this move. One of the best things is how often we get to see Brandon. I love being this close to my brother and so enjoy watching him build a relationship with Mali. You would never have known he was in another country for the first two years of her life. Mali loves to call him dude and use him as jungle gym. Brandon especially loves to spend time with Mali after she has eaten a whole container of mini M&M’s. I never want to be too far away from him again! Not only are we closer to Brandon, but almost all of our family members (except for my Mom, Grandma and sister, Zina, but even they are closer). Mali also enjoys spending time with Aunt Megan and taking trips to see Megan at work since I still have to have blood drawn and we live right behind her work. It has been fun to have a grandparent call and spontaneously take us to eat at Chik Fil A or La Fiesta. We have frequented Chik Fil A much more since our move here, I think it is because we are fairly close to this one. This aspect hasn’t been nearly as difficult or “bad” as I imagined it would be. It is different, but certainly not bad.
Another “good” thing is Mali taking ballet at Amarillo College. She really enjoys it (she started again today for the spring semester), although she does get in trouble for tuning out the teacher and being in her own world. I’ve met a mom through that, but also, it is really affordable. I love having Mali in a physical activity where I don’t have to stress each month about how to pay for it. AC cost for a semester what most places cost per month.
BSF-Bible study fellowship ( is also on my list of “good things” about Amarillo. BSF is offered around the world, literally, but moving to Amarillo gave me the opportunity to give it a try. I absolutely love it. I love being in God’s word so much and going over the same scripture about 3 times. It allows me to really know that passage and to glean God’s teachings for me from it. I also love it for Mali. It is a fairly strict program, but that is good for the kids, and gives me comfort to know Mali isn’t just being babysat, but is being taught God’s Truth for 2 hours every week! On top of the spiritual benefits, I have made two friends and several acquaintances through my small group. I am amazed at how many young moms are in my group, how many of them live close to me, have the same issues I have, etc., etc. It is all God’s hand in my life! My leader has also been a real encouragement to me and has provided me an outlet to talk and to get advice.
Another good thing is that we do have a church we are attending, EXP is what it is called and it is Paramount Baptist’s Saturday night service. We feel like we are were God wants us right now. They also have a great indoor play area that Mali has enjoyed going to. We look forward to bringing friends with us.
Our house and neighborhood are also a really good thing. I can look back and see how God really just laid this house in our lap as such a provision. We are so blessed and thankful to all those people that helped make it possible to purchase this house. We were also immensely blessed by the help of our family members in moving in and painting the house. We were loved through service very well. Another plus is that there is a large parking lot that is virtually unused behind our house. Sometimes our friends and family can park there, but more beneficial is that on nice days Mali can ride her tricycle back there and have all the room she needs to have fun (and burn energy). I have enjoyed running with Asa in our neighborhood and around our park. Okay, I’ll be honest, I haven’t been running since it got cold, but it will be a plus again when it warms up!:)
Doctors are another good thing. I have a wonderful doctor and was so blessed for her to see me and care for me with the miscarriage and molar pregnancy. Her staff is also wonderful and the nurses always call me back (that is pretty new for my experience at least). My oncologist was also wonderful and I’m so thankful. We finally have a pediatrician that we seem to like and she was very pro-active about caring for Mali when she swallowed the penny last week. I had a great experience working with the nurses and office staff. Under this too is that Megan works for an orthopedic surgeon. She is always willing to answer any orthopedic or x-ray questions we may have! Thanks Megan!
Places to eat! Yes I just had to include that. We live in extremely close proximity to good restaurants, that can be a problem too. Last night Eric commented that he thinks we’ve eaten out more since we moved to Amarillo then any time in our married lives. I think that is true.
Finally, I’m think that we have a lot of great activities for Mali here. We live close to Jump N Jive, although I’m sure we don’t frequent it enough for Mali’s liking. We go to a free program at the library called Laugh N Learn that Mali loves. Ballet at AC. The Discovery Center (my mom gave us a membership for Christmas, thanks Mom!). Palo Duro Canyon. Hockey games that Eric gets free tickets too. Football and baseball games galore!
So my list appears to be very extensive, so I must admit that Amarillo is good. God has really shaped my perspective about this move. The most important thing I think I will take from this move and how it has motivated me, is to be a seed sown on good soil. When we first moved here, I was or was close to being seed sown among the thorns. I had heard God’s word but “the worry of the world” was tempting me to become unfruitful. A move is a chance to start over, and a chance to be sown in new soil! I’m hopeful that I can hear God’s word, understand it, and bear fruit!

“And the one whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the word, and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.” Matthew 13:22-23

Monday, January 14, 2008

Penny Free

Mali is penny free as of 12:05pm CST today!!!!! Yeah God for answering our prayers! I am so thrilled, happy, excited, elated, and beside myself that we no longer have to worry about the penny not passing. I would hate to have paid $1,000 for surgery to get $.01 out of Mali!:) Plus, I'm so thankful my little girl doesn't have to go through anything like surgery or anesthesia just to get a penny out! Thank you God!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Where is the penny?

Mali had another x-ray on Friday that showed that the penny is still in the same place as it was Wednesday. And, since Friday there is no sign of the penny! If she has not passed the penny by this Wednesday the pediatrician is going to try something more aggressive... I don't think that can be any thing good, so please pray for Mali!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The X-Ray

This was just too good not to get a hold of!:)

A penny in her tummy!

Last night we added a new accomplishment to Mali's list of exciting things she can do...she swallowed a penny!! She seemed to be fine, cried a little, but more from being scared. We've had a lot of talks about not putting pennies in your mouth. Our pediatrician sent Mali in for an x-ray and there it was in her tummy!! When we left the hospital Mali said "Can you get the penny out of my mouth?" I explained that it was actually in her tummy. She keeps asking to go potty to get it out too! Maybe that was too much info! Anyway, I'm so thankful she is okay and that she did not choke on it! And yes, Eric and I were both here when it happened, and yes, it did happen right in front of me! Eric informed me that I will probably get an A+ on being a mom this year, I reminded him that he was here too!:) I hope to get a copy of the x-ray, it was pretty priceless...or hopefully it will be priceless because we don't want too many of these lying around! I'm not too hopeful though, if at 3 she swallows her first object. January does not seem to be our month, last January Mali got her first black eye and now this January her first x-ray! Mali definitely keeps life interesting and makes me very thankful that we have health insurance!

Friday, January 4, 2008

about pictures

So I used a new slide show program and can't seem to figure out how to put a picture title, sooo this is what each picture is (they go in order from Jan. to Dec.):
1. Mali's 1st black eye, Mali's 1st snowman, Mali started ballet in 2007, Tulips at Tech in March, New swingset that Uncle Brandon and Grandpa put together, Mali discoverd that her body was good for artwork (and the day Eric got the job at Bonham), Eric's last baseball game at Levelland, visit from Grammie to help take care of us, 6 year anniversary, Mali's 1st ballet recital, Family picture on the golf course, Bear visiting as at the cabin!, 4th of July Parade in Cuchara with hopes of convincing someone to open the ski resort back up, Golfing with Zach and Calyn, Our house in Lubbock sold and we had 2 weeks to get out of it...God was faithful, Eric and Mali enjoying our new front yard in Amarillo, Mali moved to a big girl bed but didn't really sleep in it for the first few months, Mali has cousins!!!, Hiking in Palo Duro Canyon, playing in the stream with Uncle Brandon, Mali and Su at XIT in the nickel find (first rodeo too), Family trip to watch the Colorado Rockies, New dog-Asa! She's a whippet, Mali and Finn (her second cousin) running around, Momma and Mali in our Amarillo Sandies gear for the first football game, Mali started ballet at Amarillo College, Eric's first game as a coach at Bonham, Mali's 1st time to dress up for Halloween, Jordan's wedding, Mali as a flower girl, dancing with Daddy, Zach and Mali reunited, 3 year portrait, Mali's 3rd birthday, New tradition of frying the turkey (Brandon and Eric), Thanksgiving at our house, White Family at Thanksgiving, Mali's 1st Nutcracker, Christmas Eve, Mali LOVES to dress up constantly.

Year in Pictures

Thursday, January 3, 2008


I've been thinking over this blog in my head for the past several days. The new year typically makes me try and think over the past year and what was significant about it. I also have been trying to remember what I've learned this past year. 2007 was a difficult year. When I started to think about it, I realized that we found out we were pregnant at the end of April. Which made me realize that the majority of 2007 was consumed with the pregnancy and the fallout from all that occurred because of the pregnancy and then subsequent molar pregnancy/miscarriage. Not so much the miscarriage, but all that it created emotionally, physically, and relationally, has been affecting us for most of 2007. I know that so many more people experience such greater loss than this, and I don't believe that I have experienced something unimaginable. We also spent most of 2007 living in Lubbock but left in July to move to Amarillo. The move was hard to make because of the amazing friends and church we were leaving behind. However, through my tears as I pulled out of Lubbock, I put my hope and trust in the One who never disappoints. And He has so wonderfully taken care of us here in Amarillo. In fact, the move to Amarillo may have saved my life (as I've blogged about before). Despite all of our difficulties this year, we have had so many answered prayers and miracles, even from the smallest miracle when Mali let me brush her hair!:) 2007 was filled with wonderful times with my friends, and Mali had a blast and made so many memories with her friends. Mali began to grow into a big girl and we began to learn how to parent a big girl (I'm not sure how successful I am at it yet.) We also celebrated our 6 year anniversary and 10 years of dating/engagement/marriage. I am so thankful for what God has given us, even though we've had some losses with the gifts. During Christmastime, I spent a lot of time trying to focus on Jesus as Savior and was hit with the fact that having a Savior was/is better than anything. If Jesus doesn't do anything else for me, being my Savior is enough and immense in and of itself.
So, what have I learned this year? I've learned to be utterly desperate for God and have learned that I have absolutely NOTHING. I have lost all "skills" that I could boast in (i.e. being disciplined in exercise, money, parenting, waking up early, doing my quiet time; parenting abilities; being a successful play therapist, etc. The list could go on.) I'm not sure that I have really grasped this, but I do know that I am nothing and can be nothing without the supernatural power, love, mercy and grace of God. I can no longer boast in any thing of myself. 2007 was a tearing me down year. Just like a tree must be pruned to be more beautiful, I suppose I was pruned and might just become more beautiful. That is the picture I keep reminding myself of, even though I can't see the end result yet. I look forward to 2008 being a building me up year.
Another huge lesson I learned was from studying Ecclesiastes. I learned that bad things are just part of the experience of life and that I have hope in Jesus to get me through them. And, that I need to enjoy what I can enjoy and not worry about what I can't control. So I believe that is what I've learned, maybe the further out I get from 2007 I will realize more of what I've learned. I also wanted to include pictures from the past year as well, to remember all the events that have occurred throughout this year. Pictures are fun and can share more of the joys that we've experienced this year! So enjoy!