Friday, November 30, 2007

Results from 11/20/2007

Just wanted to update my results for this month...still negative! Yeah God! He has truly been faithful to take care of me and us throughout this experience!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pure Joy!

I think Mali is most likely Sanguine!:)

Doing Well

I am actually doing really well. God continues to bring healing to my body and soul. I have had a few minor health problems, but nothing major at all. We have survived the middle school football season. I can't believe that it is over. Amarillo High made it into the playoffs, so Eric is still some what busy with that. Life has been a little busy for us in the past few weeks. We spent last weekend in Woodward, OK for my step-brother Jordan's wedding. He married a wonderful girl, Chrissy, that really brings happiness to him. Mali also gained three new cousins that weekend, yippee for not being the only grandchild anymore!! Mali especially enjoys her girl cousin, Shayna who is 11. After surviving that weekend, we recovered all week and then headed to Lubbock on Wednesday for the opening of Chris and Megan's restaurant, Beef O' Brady's. It was so exciting to see their accomplishments. The food and atmosphere are great. So, if you are in the Lubbock area, check it on (4th and W. Loop). We also had Mali's 3 year old portraits made at the mall and visited with Zachy and Calyn while we were there. Mali literally screamed with joy when she saw her little friends. It really made me so happy to see her so full of joy. She really misses them. After recovering from that quick trip, we have been preparing for Mali's 3rd Birthday party. I'm in shock that my baby is 3!! Mali and I spent yesterday making a trial run of her Bumble bee shaped cake. It went pretty well. We are having her party on Sunday. I'm always amazed at how I prepare and prepare for her parties to give her exactly what I think she wants and then it is over so quickly!
One of the verses that I've been studying through BSF is Matthew 7:11 "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" I am trying to meditate on this verse as I give my child good gifts.